- 11-27-19
- You will see the date below next to movements I have changed/updated including the balance position and the hands and knees
- 11-7-18, Updated 7-24-19
- Morning Routine
- 105.1) Pelvic Clock Progression into Bridge VIDEO
- 56.1) Lying Down Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- 98.1) Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO (11-27-19)
- Discusses the concept of the bird dog
- just do the leg lift and focus on your back not moving
- 17) Seated Flexion and Child’s Pose Breathing VIDEO
- focus on the breathing discussed in childs pose, not the seated position
- 18) Puppy Pose Progression VIDEO
- 124) Double Leg Heel Raise VIDEO
- Balance (11-27-19)
- Other Movements
- Morning Routine
- 12-4-17
- Update for improved postural awareness and reduction of low back pain
- 10-31-17
- right quad tendon pain, likely the result of holding a stretch for too long
- try the sequence below lightly and short of pain
- 9-25-17
- Low back pain with walking and the morning
- We discussed stretching more freqeuntly and focusing on the movements below
- Step Knee Flexion Intro VIDEO
- do this more frequently
- Standing Foot on Chair/Step VIDEO
- Counter Push Phase 1 VIDEO
- You did this at the wall
- Low back pain with walking and the morning
- 8-25-17
- This session we attempted to decrease stress in the L upper trap/ top of the shoulder
- The movements below should be done along with the movements from the previous session on 8-9-17
- Self 1st Rib/AC Joint Mobilization VIDEO
- We used the sheet for this movement
- In the video I use a band in a loop, don’t worry about moving the neck excessively
- Use the sheet or a band and focus on the breathing and reaching down motion
- Neck Rotation Contract Relax VIDEO
- Very light with this exercise, don’t push too hard
- Humeral Head Depression Isometric From Low Level->Overhead VIDEO
- Emphasis on depressing scapula without pain or tension on the neck
- progress like in the video from a low to higher surface
- 8-9-17 Update
- Neck and Shoulder Sequence
- N-14 Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Light tuck of the chin
- N-2 Neck Rotation Self SNAG VIDEO
- Go to the the left first and then the right
- N-14B Deep Neck Flexor with Thoracic Extension Seated and Foam Roll VIDEO
- seated in chair not on the foam
- hands behind back, pull shoulder blades back and down slowly
- can be done alot throughout the day
- N-14 Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Lower body sequence
- K-18 Laying on Back Weighted Pull Over VIDEO
- 2 lbs weights in each hand
- L-3A Shoulder Flexion Seated->Standing VIDEO
- back against counter in standing
- DNS-8 Supine Rolling With Activation of Posterior Shoulder and Scapular Stability VIDEO
- Rolling with abdominal control or can use ball with the movement below
- DNS-6 On Your Back Physio ball Stabilization with Rolling Progression VIDEO
- N-2D Supine Long Duration Pec Stretch VIDEO
- lying on floor to improve posture at end of day
- H-44 Phase 2 Heel Raise in Hip Extension Unsupported VIDEO
- Put a weight in the hand opposite of the leg up on the step 4-5lbs to increase challenge to balance
- K-18 Laying on Back Weighted Pull Over VIDEO
- Neck and Shoulder Sequence
- 7-18-17 Update
- Get your arms overhead
- K-18 Laying on Back Weighted Pull Over VIDEO
- 2 lbs weights in each hand
- L-3A Shoulder Flexion Seated->Standing VIDEO
- back against counter in standing
- DNS-8 Supine Rolling With Activation of Posterior Shoulder and Scapular Stability VIDEO
- Rolling with abdominal control
- N-2D Supine Long Duration Pec Stretch VIDEO
- lying on floor to improve posture at end of day
- H-44 Phase 2 Heel Raise in Hip Extension Unsupported VIDEO
- Put a weight in the hand opposite of the leg up on the step 4-5lbs to increase challenge to balance
- 4-27 Update
- Strengthening exercises to improve low back and hip strength
- Start with 5-10 reps of each
- H-46 Upper Body Assisted Squat VIDEO
- you can use kitchen sink
- H-46H1 Reverse Lunge Towel Slide VIDEO
- H-46F Band Extension Deadlift VIDEO
- Pain relieving movements to do on a daily basis (10-20reps of each)
- NEW:
- L-4 Sidelying Thoracolumbar Rotation Stretch VIDEO
- Do this laying on the left side only
- L-4 Sidelying Thoracolumbar Rotation Stretch VIDEO
- L-4D Seated Flexion and Child’s Pose Breathing VIDEO
- L-27A Bear to Plank Push Off Loading DNS VIDEO
- L-3A Shoulder Flexion Seated->Standing VIDEO
- Seated Only
- L-10 Seated Sciatic Nerve Floss VIDEO
- NEW:
- Strengthening movements
- Do these everyother day
- NEW:
- H70A Supine Band Clamshell Regression
- Green band around knees
- Once you can do 20 reps slowly, try to progress to the blue band
- H70A Supine Band Clamshell Regression
- H-24 Table Height Phase 2 VIDEO
- K-18 Laying on Back Weighted Pull Over VIDEO
- K-43 Phase 1 Heel Raise in Hip Extension Supported VIDEO
- K-28 Bear->Bear Crawl Scapula & Trunk Coordination VIDEO
- Just hold in the bear position
- K-45E Lunge with Band Around Knee Glute Med Activation VIDEO