- 12-10-20
- other good strength options
- 55.2) Band Dead Bug Variations VIDEO
- 63) Kneeling Quadricep Activation Butt to Heels VIDEO
- 69) Table Height Phase 2 VIDEO
- 70) Chair/Step Height Phase 3 VIDEO
- 72) Push Up Plank Hip Ext VIDEO
- 83) Bear Mountain Climber Speed VIDEO
- 84.3) Bar Hang March VIDEO
- 90) Side Plank with Lateral Shift Progression VIDEO
- 90.1) Side Plank Lateral Shift Floor VIDEO
- 93.1) Band Chop to Baseball Swing VIDEO
- 94) Band Chops Down and Across VIDEO
- Hip Thrust Progression
- 99) Double Leg VIDEO
- 100) Single Leg VIDEO
- Can do edge of couch instead of ball
- Lunge Variations
- 131) 1/2 Kneeling Progression VIDEO
- 131.1) 1/2 Kneel to Stand Transition VIDEO
- 132) Sprinter Lunge with Trunk Rotation VIDEO
- 133) Sprinter Lunge VIDEO
- 134) Lunge Knee Position Intro with Progression to Pre Single Leg Stance VIDEO
- 135) Row Band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- 135.1) Row Band with Step VIDEO
- 135.2) Lunge Row Progression to Stepping 3 phase VIDEO
- 136) Press band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- 136.1) Band Press with Step VIDEO
- 136.2) Press 3 Phase into Stepping VIDEO
- 137) High Lunge at Table VIDEO
- 138) Step Up Lunge VIDEO
- 139) Lunge with Band Around Knee Glute Med Activation VIDEO
- 140) 1/2 Kneel Band Around Knee Glute Med VIDEO
- Band Upper Body Lunge Variations
- 141) Band Horizontal Abduction VIDEO
- 141.1) 1/2 Kneel Band horizontal Abduction with Progression to Rotation VIDEO
- 141.2) 1/2 kneel and lunge Horizontal Adduction UPdate VIDEO
- 142) Band Horizontal Adduction VIDEO
- 142.1) PNF D2 Band Down and Across VIDEO
- 142.2) Band PNF Up and Out Lawnmower VIDEO
- 142.3) PNF Diagonal D1 Up and Across VIDEO
- 142.4) Band PNF Down and Out VIDEO
- other good strength options
- 11-1-20
- We discussed the breathing with arms elevated. One barrier to this involved numbness into your hands. below are some options to try to improve shoulder mobility and reduce nerve related symptoms
- 10) Supine Median Nerve Mobilization VIDEO
- This position lightly mobilizes the median nerve which is likely contributing to numbness overhead. Try to do this movement and see if it improves symptoms with the overhead motions
- 10-20 reps
- 10.3) Ulnar Nerve Mobilization
- This can be done on your back as well
- Option 3 is usually elevation of the first rib that contributes: Below is a 1st rib mobilization
- 1.1) Self 1st Rib/AC Joint Mobilization VIDEO
- This can be done with one of your bands attached in a loop
- 1.1) Self 1st Rib/AC Joint Mobilization VIDEO
- 10) Supine Median Nerve Mobilization VIDEO
- Breathing with hands overhead option
- We discussed the breathing with arms elevated. One barrier to this involved numbness into your hands. below are some options to try to improve shoulder mobility and reduce nerve related symptoms
- 10-7-20 Updates (Completed)
- Daily Movements
- Most important is going to be the opening of the lower right side with the muscle activation and the breathing
- During the day you might do a mixture of propping the right arm up with the breathing into that side 5-10 deep breaths and doing it while actively pressing down into the right hand
- This will progress into that lateral lean motion we discussed towards the end of our session but try to just do the arm prop in neutral for at least a week
- Things to remember:
- Get weight onto the right side to feel equal on both or slight increase in weight on the right side
- Lower abdominals engaged to reduce tension in lower back
- 33.11) Supine Edge of Couch Heelraise VIDEO
- 10-15x, you can raise up and down on toes or pull the opposite knee in and out towards chest
- 97.1) Quadruped Hip Ext Towel Slide and Band Progression VIDEO
- 10-15x with the band, hold each for 3-5sec
- 18.2) Hands Elevated Variation with Breathing VIDEO
- 10-15x
- 126.51 Step Lunge with Post Elongation VIDEO
- Can be kneeling or standing by a step or chair
- 10-15x
- Can be kneeling or standing by a step or chair
- Most important is going to be the opening of the lower right side with the muscle activation and the breathing
- Strength Organization:
- We are going to divide this into upper and lower body
- This is going to shorten the length of each
- You are going to have an upper body day then a lower
- Upper Body
- Circuit #1
- 122) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- Hit chin, nose, forehead, top of head
- 5-10 trips through
- 57) Band Pull Down 3 Planes VIDEO
- 10-20 each direction
- We have done 2 planes, this video adds a third position
- 10-20 each direction
- 122) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- Circuit #2
- 74) Table Top Progression VIDEO
- 10-20 reps
- 141.2) 1/2 kneel and lunge Horizontal Adduction UPdate VIDEO
- 10-20 reps
- 74) Table Top Progression VIDEO
- Circuit #3
- Plank Progression: Goal 30-90sec, if you get 90sec progress to level 2
- 92.2) Full Can Fly Endurance VIDEO
- This can be a light weight or standing on the band
- 30-90sec but watch that you don’t start to arch/tense your lower back
- Circuit #1
- Lower Body
- Circuit #1
- Lunge Slide (10-20 reps)
- 81) Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- 30-90sec, can progress to 5 sec holds with the leg lifts
- First set try the leg lifts holding each for 5 sec…if the leg lift is too much try the slide option down below
- 79) Bear Hip Extension->Mountain Climber VIDEO
- Circuit #2
- 115) Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 10-20 reps
- Try while you are up in the bridge, lift one leg into the air, hold 5sec, then lift the other leg in the air hold 5 sec, then bring hips back down to the floor
- 172.1) Band Loop Side Step 4 Way VIDEO
- 10-15 steps each way
- You can purchase a small band loop or set or tue band around feet
- One set of the side step above
- second set do the sidelying leg lift at couch
- 115) Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- Circuit #3
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- 30sec to 2 minutes in a range that is least painful
- 181) Standing Single Leg Adductor Band VIDEO
- 8-20 reps. Let me know if this is any less painful then the pre run drill
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- Circuit #1
- Daily Movements
- 8-26-20
- Updates are in bold below
- try periodically to test that seated cross leg potision or the back leg cross lunge you showed me as a test to see if you are noticing less pain
- Updates are in bold below
- 8-20-20
- Updates below are a good updated daily list to address the increase in hip pain
- 25) Supine Hooklying Quad/Psoas VIDEO
- 30-90sec holds in 3-5 different spots
- 33.11) Supine Edge of Couch Heelraise VIDEO
- 10-15x, you can raise up and down on toes or pull the opposite knee in and out towards chest
- 97.1) Quadruped Hip Ext Towel Slide and Band Progression VIDEO
- 10-15x with the band, hold each for 3-5sec
- 18.2) Hands Elevated Variation with Breathing VIDEO
- 10-15x
- 126.51 Step Lunge with Post Elongation VIDEO
- Can be kneeling or standing by a step or chair
- 10-15x
- Can be kneeling or standing by a step or chair
- 25) Supine Hooklying Quad/Psoas VIDEO
- Updates below are a good updated daily list to address the increase in hip pain
- Daily Movements
- Driving Options
- Self Traction/Elongation Options (Pick One)
- 41) Cross Leg Contract Relax Posterior Hip VIDEO
- 35) Lying Hamstring Stretch VIDEO
- 169.1) Supine Clamshell Band in Hands VIDEO
- Strength Circuits
- Below I have paired 2 movements together that are somewhat opposite
- Everyother day try to choose 3-4 of the circuits below (6-8 movements total)
- Do 2 sets of each circuit, often I do half the reps or half the time for the second set
- Circuit #1
- Lunge Slide (10-20 reps)
- 81) Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- 30-90sec, can progress to 5 sec holds with the leg lifts
- First set try the leg lifts holding each for 5 sec…if the leg lift is too much try the slide option down below
- 79) Bear Hip Extension->Mountain Climber VIDEO
- Circuit #2
- 122) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- Hit chin, nose, forehead, top of head
- 5-10 trips through
- 115) Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 10-20 reps
- Try while you are up in the bridge, lift one leg into the air, hold 5sec, then lift the other leg in the air hold 5 sec, then bring hips back down to the floor
- 122) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- Circuit #3
- 172.1) Band Loop Side Step 4 Way VIDEO
- 10-15 steps each way
- You can purchase a small band loop or set or tue band around feet
- One set of the side step above
- second set do the sidelying leg lift at couch
- 74) Table Top Progression VIDEO
- 10-20 reps
- 172.1) Band Loop Side Step 4 Way VIDEO
- Circuit #4
- 57) Band Pull Down 3 Planes VIDEO
- 10-20 each direction
- We have done 2 planes, this video adds a third position
- 10-20 each direction
- 115.1) Squat With Single Arm Support Progression VIDEO
- 5 sec holds
- 3-8 reps
- 5 sec holds
- 57) Band Pull Down 3 Planes VIDEO
- Circuit #5
- 185.2) Pre Run/Walk Band Resisted Stride Drill VIDEO
- 10-20 reps
- 135) Row Band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- 10-20 reps
- 185.2) Pre Run/Walk Band Resisted Stride Drill VIDEO