JO: R 3C Scoliosis Program: In Office Patient (11-20-18)


  • 4-29 Updatesand .5-28
    • 2 strength Movements that can be done every other day; 8-15 reps fro each
      • Single leg deadlift:Extra set on the weaker side:
        • 5lbs each hand
      • Lying on side weighted overhead reach: Extra set on the weaker side
        • 2lbs each hand
  • 4-4 Updates
    • Sidelying position in between rounds of the wall for 3-5 minutes
      • Add the leg lift
  • 3-21-19 Updates
    • Top three moves to focus on
    • Sink self traction stretch. I show it below with elbows bent but do it holding the sink like we discussed. Go back into the position and stay there for 20-30sec and breath normally but trying to breath into ribs. Then come up and take a break. Then go back into the position and try to take 5-8 deep breaths. Alternate those 2 at the sink 3-4x for each
    • One knee position
      • 2 posts/broomsticks make sure you keep abdominal tension, arms high
      • same as above start by getting in the right position and breathing normal breaths but more so into the ribs for 20-30sec, then come out of the position. Then repeat the position, push downward into the posts, and take a deep breathe in. Try to maintain the expansion of your ribs as you exhale. Repeat this for 3-4 breaths. Do both of these 2-3x then switch legs and do it with the other leg back
    • Wall Drill
      • Hands on the wall. Walk back from wall to feel light stretch in your calves
      • make sure your pelvis is not shifted to the left and you feel equal pressure on both feet
      • Hold that position for min 10 sec max 2 min…try to push yourself here
      • Option2 at the wall same position but raise up onto your toes and down slowly 8-20x
      • Option #3: lift the R leg up towards the wall while you drive the left foot into the floor
  • Day 4: Sorry for the delay…I had some technical difficulties
    • Below are the updates in bold from your last session
  • DAY: 3: Progression of strengthening program
    • Look for updates below in BOLD
    • The strength Circuit with now be broken down into pairing 2 movements in each circuit
    • As the list grows, you will have some variety in your strength routine
      • Your goal each day you do strengthening, which will continue to be every other day, is to complete 4 strength circuits each having 2 exercises for a total of 8 exercises. If you do circuits 1-4 one day, the next strength day try starting with circuit 5 and circling back to the beginning
  • DAY 2:
    •  Daily Movement Sequence
      • Postural Correction: These Movements can be done everyday
        • This can be done multiple times throughout the day
        • Below are some examples of the postural correction we discussed
        • Position #1: The position we discussed at a counter or dresser
          • Go through the steps of the corrected position
          • Begin with normal breathing while expending your ribs for 1-2 minutes (Step 1)
          • Progress to deeper breaths: try 3-5 deeper breaths followed by 10-20sec normal breathing so you do not get too light headed and repeat 2-3 cycles of that (Step 2)
          • Progress to muscle activation trying to keep the outward expansion and tension for 3-4 sec during each exhale repeating that with 3-4 breaths total, follow that with breathing normally for 10-20sec and repeat that cycle 2-3x
          • This can be completed 2-3x per day
      • Position #2: Hands and Knees elevated childs pose with breathing
        • 8-15 reps with 2-5 breaths each time you rock back
        • Can be completed 2x per day
          • Can also be done without chair between exercises
      • Position #3: Seated is at the 3:30 mark in the video below
        • Can be done throughout the day in the sitting position
      • Position #4: Edge of step Heel raise or hands against wall heel raise OR LUNGE AT STEP (CHOOSE 1)
        • PHASE 1: Step: Heel raise Progression
        • PHASE 2: Hands on Wall Option
    • Strength Circuit: Can be completed everyother day, go through the circuit 2-3x
      • Circuit #1:
        • Bear Position
          • Try holding the position like a plank for 30-90 sec
          • Stop once you feel you are having difficulty maintaining the position
        • Squat at Sink: Go deeper at the sink
          • Goal: 8-15 reps slowly, keeping weight on heels
      • Circuit #2
        • One Knee Position Band Pull Down
          • Goal 10-15 reps slow each hand
          • When band in right hand, pull down to touch shoulder and then punch forward at the bottom
          • When band in left hand, pull down to touch shoulder and then take L hand out to the side
        • Side Plank Holds
          • Overview of the sideplank position
          • You want to choose a position that is challenging and can be completed for a minimum of 30 seconds or a maximum of 2 minutes
          • We discussed to  add an extra set on the weaker L side
          • Make sure you keep your pelvis from drifting to the left or dropping towards the left when you are supported on the left side
          • Try to do the left then the right, then the left again
      • Circuit #3
        • Bear Mountain Climber with the towel
          • Goal 5-20 reps each leach with 5 rocks hands and knees between sets
        • Reverse Lunge at the sink
          • 8-15 reps
      • Circuit #4
        • Ball Rollout
          • Goal: 5-15 reps
        • Bridge with Band in Your Hands
          • Goal: 5-15 reps
      • Circuit #5
        • Band press in standing bringing knee to chest and kick back slow
          • Goal: 5-15 reps slow
        • Band wrapped around the trunk: 10-15 sec normal breathing, 2-4 rounds of maintaining expansion
          • Repeat 1-5x cycle above
          • Each side: This video is from the actual Schroth Course
  • Day 1: 11-20-18
    • I included some videos in regards to the postural corrections we discussed
    • I also included some core strengthening movements to get started on
    • I believe you said Jennifer is doing the McGill Big three…I gave some recommendations below that I prefer you start with instead
    • Let me know if you have any questions
    • Evaluation:
      • Right thoracic prominence with shift of pelvis to the left
      • Goal: Correct posture with some of the positional cues that we discussed, progress to breathing and muscle activation in the corrected position as described below
    • Postural Correction: These Movements can be done everyday
      • This can be done multiple times throughout the day
      • Below are some examples of the postural correction we discussed
      • Position #1: The position we discussed at a counter or dresser
        • Go through the steps of the corrected position
        • Begin with normal breathing while expending your ribs for 1-2 minutes (Step 1)
        • Progress to deeper breaths: try 3-5 deeper breaths followed by 10-20sec normal breathing so you do not get too light headed and repeat 2-3 cycles of that (Step 2)
        • Progress to muscle activation trying to keep the outward expansion and tension for 3-4 sec during each exhale repeating that with 3-4 breaths total, follow that with breathing normally for 10-20sec and repeat that cycle 2-3x
        • This can be completed 2-3x per day
      • Position #2: Hands and Knees elevated childs pose with breathing
        • 8-15 reps with 2-5 breaths each time you rock back
        • Can be completed 2x per day
      • Position #3: Seated is at the 3:30 mark in the video below
        • Can be done throughout the day in the sitting position
      • Core Strength Movements to Incorporate: These movements may be done every other day
        • Bear Position
          • Try holding the position like a plank for 10-30sec and repeat 5-10x
          • Stop once you feel you are having difficulty maintaining the position
        • Pull Up Bar Hang/March
          • This position promotes length through the spine with trunk stength
          • Try to complete for 20-60sec 2-3 sets
        • Side Plank Holds
          • Overview of the sideplank position
          • You want to choose a position that is challenging and can be completed for a minimum of 30seconds or a maximum of 2 minutes
          • We discussed to  add an extra set on the weaker L side
          • Make sure you keep your pelvis from drifting to the left or dropping towards the left when you are supported on the left side
          • Try to do the left then the right, then the left again