JP: L AC joint sprain with ulnar nerve numbness in Jujitsu Competitor (12-4-18), 12-17-18, 1-2-19)

  • 1-2-19 Updates
    • progression into strength circuits and 5 rites sequence for daily mobility
    • Daily Mobility Sequence (5 rites)
      • Movement #1: Strap behind back stretch position
        • Shows with the assistance of the wall
        • 10x 5 sec each position for both arms
      • Movement #2: Down Dog to Up Dog
        • 5-15x
      • Movement #3: Tall Kneel Lean back
        • 5-15x
        • It shows the lean back portion, but also do the look between the legs portion rounding forward that is not in the video
      • Movement #4: Table Top Position in Sitting
        • 5-15 reps
      • Movement #5: Rotation and rolling drill
        • Can be done pre jujitsu
        • 5-10x each side
      • Movement #6: V Up on your back
        • 5-15 reps
    • Strength Circuits
      • Circuit #1
        • Band Pull down from Overhead
          • 8-15 reps
        • Box/bench Row
          • 8-15 reps we did 15lbs
      • Circuit #2
        • Band Pull down and across
          • 8-20 reps
          • We did this in kneeling
          • You can try 5-10 reps in each position rather then sticking with the one motion
        • Arm bar
          • 30sec -2min
          • 10lbs inverted kettlebell
      • Circuit #3
        • 1/2 kneel overhead holds
          • 30sec-90sec
          • 10-15lbs
        • Bar hang March
          • 30-90sec
      • Circuit #4
        • Single leg deadlift
          • One of my favorites
          • 8-15 reps
        • Plank single arm holds
          • 5-10 sec each arm, total 8-15 reps
          • start elevated surface and work lower
      • Circuit #5
        • Goblet Squat
          • 8-15 reps
        • Ball bridge
          • 8-15 reps
  • 12-17-18 Updates
    • Continue with light movements below throguhout the day
    • Try the strength sequence below 1x/day
    • Movement #1: Band pulldown from overhead
      • 8-20 reps each side
    • Movement #2: Band Pull down and across
      • 8-20 reps
      • We did this in kneeling
      • You can try 5-10 reps in each position rather then sticking with the one motion
    • Movement #3: Rotation and rolling drill
      • Can be done pre jujitsu
      • 5-10x each side
  • 12-4-18 Home program
  • Throughout the day
    • Seated grab the bottom of the chair
      • Move in and out 5-10x
    • Behind the back self stretch
      • Pause 1-2 sec and then relax tension, 5-10x
    • Hands on Counter Stretch
      • Stay Short of shoulder pain
      • Be careful with this one, if you go too far with this it can cause increase in pain
      • 5-15 reps slowly no hold
    • Isometric press down at desk or any surface throughout the day
      • Lightly to relax the top of the shoulder
      • Can use either of the first 2 positions in the video
  • Strength: 1x/day to possibly every other day if there is any muscle soreness
    • On stomach shoulder extension: 5 sec holds at the top
      • 8-20 reps