- Phase 1 stabilization: to be completed as much as possible in pain free range, if it hurts back off or don’t do it
- Circuit #1
- On Your Back Feet Resting on Physio Ball VIDEO
- Light pressure 1-2x/day
- Step Hip Extension with Push Off Progression (Pick one)
- Complete everyday 1-2x/day
- Goal 10-20reps
- On Your Back Feet Resting on Physio Ball VIDEO
- Circuit #1
- Phase 2: Progression of endurance with gradual increase in challenge
- Posterior chain activation: feel it in your hamstrings/glutes not low back
- Do each as a circuit 10-20 reps the first set, second set 1/2 as many
- You can alternate circuit #1 one day and circuit #2 the following day
- If sore wait until soreness subsides to repeat circuit #2
- Circuit #2
- Bridge Progression Physio Ball (Choose 1)
- L-34 Isometric Co-activation Abdominal/Glute Phase 1 VIDEO
- L-35 Abdominal Control With Hamstring Curl Phase 2 VIDEO
- L-36 Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- L-36 Double Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 4 VIDEO
- L-37 Single Leg Bridge Phase 5 VIDEO
- L-38 Single Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 6 VIDEO
- Sciatic Nerve/Hamstring Mobilization
- L-26 Bear->Bear Crawl Scapula & Trunk Coordination VIDEO
- Bridge Progression Physio Ball (Choose 1)
- Phase 2: Utilize Movement Preference
- Begin with movement preference in the plane of motion that feels most comfortable
- Gradually progress into restricted ranges as pain subsides
- Full Motion All Planes Progressing Gradually Into Previously Painful Directions VIDEO
- Begin with movement preference in the plane of motion that feels most comfortable