JR: Bilateral Shoulder Pain: Online Program (8-24-20)

  • Email with symptom background and movements that provoke pain LINK
  • 9-1-20: lets try to pair the 2 movements below
    • pair the 2 movements below as a super set EVERYOTHER DAY
      • This means do the pull apart  variation then the bicep loading. Go back and forth between the 2 for 2-3 sets of 10-15 reps for each
    • Now lets try to add some posterior RTC activation into the 90deg abduction position but in a less threatening position
      • try to add the supine pull apart below
      • If painful the movement below is an alternative
    • Gradual loading of bicep
      • I am wondering if you have any irritation of the bicep and are you able to tolerate some graded loading of that area.
  •  8-24-20
    • Initial thoughts
      • Given that your range of motion is fairly stable, lets take an initial look at muscle control. i am going to give you 2 movements below that are focused on improving shoulder stability in a controlled range of motion
      • Try the movements below 2-3x/day
    • Movement #1: Pec activation gradually into a stretch
      • hold 5 seconds for each, try to keep the feeling in the pec wihtout pain or pinch in the shoulder
      • Progress as deep into the postion as able stopping just short of pain
      • try for 8-15 reps
    • Movement #2: Table Top Regression
      • This is focused on engaging lat and scapular control in a lower position that is unlikely to stress the shulder in a negative way
      • You can progress as shown to lifting the hips which increases the demand on the shoulder but I would focus initially just on the isometric movment and making sure you control scapular position
      • Don’t lift very high initially, focus on keeping good scapular position
      • 8-15 reps hold each for 5 seconds