JR: L shoulder pain/weakness home program (5-29-19)

  • Below are some light movements to try to gain more mobility in the shoulder
  • Don’t push it into pain, if you push any of these too hard too fast they can cause an increase in pain so begin by doing it gently
  • I am going to have you try a new movement each day to assess how your body responds to each one
  • Do the day 1 movement: If you have no increase in pain during or after, then try to do that movement along with the day 2 movement the next day. If you feel like any cause significant pain, skip that one or email me and I can make any necessary adjustments
  • The movements can be done lightly multiple times per day
  • Day 1: Lay on the floor, gentle pec stretch
    • Try to keep your arm in a light stretch for 1-2 minutes then take a minute break with hands on belly, repeat 3-4x
  • Day 2: Standing at Counter rock heel to toe stretch
    • The further away you stand the more it will pull
    • try to pick a distance that feels comfortable
    • 10-15x
  • Day 3: Shoulder behind the back stretch
    • Be very gentle with this one
    • You can hold a towel/pillowcase
    • The further apart your hands=less discomfort…don’t push this one too hard as it can make your shoulder hurt if you over stretch
    • 8-15x