- Phase 2 Update (12-18)
- Continue to do the phase 1 movements below everyday
- Do these phase 2 movements every other day, 2x through the phase 2 circuit
- Goal is to coordinate glute med and quad activation prior to progressing to single leg activities by challenging lateral trunk and hip stability
- stop short of any knee pain
- Focus on lateral hip and trunk stability
- 10-20 reps slow, second time through circuit do 1/2 as many reps
- Ball Bridge (Stick with K-36 for now)
- make sure you keep pressure on medial aspect of heel without knees caving inward
- K-36 Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- K-37 Double Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 4 VIDEO
- K-38 Single Leg Bridge Phase 5 VIDEO
- K-39 Single Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 6 VIDEO
- K-45E Lunge with Band Around Knee Glute Med Activation VIDEO
- Start with a red or green band around knee
- Heel Raise Progression at Wall (Pick One)
- Palloff Press Variations (Pick One)
- Phase 1: Mobility and Light Hamstring Activation
- 10-20 reps of each as a circuit
- K-35 Abdominal Control With Hamstring Curl Phase 2 VIDEO
- K-21 Kneeling Quadricep Activation Butt to Heels VIDEO OR K-8 Standing Foot on Chair/Step VIDEO
- K-31 Heels to Butt on Floor Phase 1 VIDEO
- K-5B Self MFR Quad/Hip Flexor VIDEO
- New option to assess if you have any tenderness through quad and hip flexor that is greater on the previously painful side
- You can expand to areas more into distal quad as needed