Hello and thank you for your interest in an online therapy program with me. I am happy to assist you in any way that i can to get the most out of this program. If there is ever an issue with an exercise or a question that arises, feel free to email me at anytime so I can make any necessary adjustments
You will find a disclaimer below that I encourage you to read so you understand a little more about the program and how to get the most out of it
Each update will appear as a link to a new page at the bottom of this page
Keep in mind week one is meant as somewhat of a self test
The goal of this week is to pick out 3-4 light movements that can be done daily and feel like they are helpful to improve mobility and reduce pain
Some of these movements may not only be specific to the area of pain but may try to move things that relate to the problem that can also tighten up/weaken as a result of you favoring one side
These movements can be done as often as you are able to:
That can mean morning and night, before and after activity that you feel challenges you, when you are in pain these movements may be helpful at reducing pain, if you typically have pain in the morning: doing these movements may loosen things up and allow you to have less pain in the morning…you get the idea
They do not have to all be done at once
You may do them all at once in the morning/night, but you may also find times that you can fit some in throughout the day
Week 2 is meant to keep 3-4 movements in your daily sequence list and then have a separate list of strengthening movements that you do less frequently (usually every other day)
Some people like to do the strength movements everyday, but I encourage you to make sure that you are not over fatiguing the area. You don’t want to exhaust these areas constantly because then they never have a chance to recover
If you like doing the strength moves everyday as well just make sure you do a lighter version one day and maybe a harder version the next day
It is fine to only do the strength movements every other day
The goal of the strength sequence is to create some fatigue in muscle with the least amount of pain/discomfort in the joint
You will notice in many of the videos I discuss this and I emphasize to remain in a range short of pain, if that is not possible, skip that exercise and email me for a replacement