- Organization Update as of 2-21-18
- You now have 3 strength circuits
- I recommend your goal being 3 days per week of strengthening
- Pilates counts as a strength day
- I want you to try one set of each exercise to fatigue
- Write down the numbers and let me know how much or how long you are doing these movements next time we meet
- Circuit #1
- 98) Hip Extension Over Table/Bed VIDEO
- you got 15reps…work for 20reps
- 63.1) Supine Straight Leg Raise VIDEO
- you got 11…work towards 20
- 124) Double Leg Heel Raise VIDEO
- Progress to 126) Single Leg Concentric/Eccentric VIDEO
- you got 11-14…work towards 20
- Progress to 126) Single Leg Concentric/Eccentric VIDEO
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- band around knees
- you did 11 pulses…work towards 20
- 98) Hip Extension Over Table/Bed VIDEO
- Circuit #2 (12-28-17)
- 174) Sidelying Leg Raise Progression to a Stretch VIDEO
- you got 10…work towards 20 but keep it slow and not too high
- 86) Standing Press in Lunge and Terminal Stance VIDEO
- 4 positions with red
- can keep band close to chest
- goal 5-10 each position
- 70) Chair/Step Height Phase 3 VIDEO
- gradually ramp up each leg
- you got to 6 reps ramping up with each sequence…work towards 10
- 174) Sidelying Leg Raise Progression to a Stretch VIDEO
- Circuit #3 (2-21-18)
- 29.1) Prone to Supine Quad Stretch, Isometric, Active Motion VIDEO
- 10x each position
- 60.1) Band LAQ Followed By Isometric Holds VIDEO
- Movement, followed by small pulses, followed by isometric holds 1-4 minutes
- 113.1) Ball Hamstring Curl to Knee Extension VIDEO
- Light no pressure into heels
- 10x
- 169) Supine Clamshell VIDEO
- green or blue band
- goal is 30sec to 2 minutes maintaining band tension
- 29.1) Prone to Supine Quad Stretch, Isometric, Active Motion VIDEO