- Complete this sequence 2-3x per week
- Try to go through it twice if you can
- 111) Heels to Butt on Floor Single Leg Phase 3 VIDEO
- Goal: get a minimum of 8 reps but work your way towards the goal of 25 reps with a pause at the top of each…don’t go too fast
- If this is not going well the easier version you were doing before is
- 150) Squat with Forward Reach Band Around Knees VIDEO
- We talked about going slow on the way down and trying to get a little deeper
- I had you going to about 14 inches, but I don’t want you to “plop at the bottom”, hips just touch but you don’t rest in the seated position
- Goal: Minimum of 8 reps but work towards 25 reps, SLOW on the way down…keep knees apart
- Keep this for now: Harder version would be the reverse lunge with the towel to try
- 117) Double Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 4 VIDEO
- Slow in and out
- Goal: Minimum of 8 reps but work towards 20-25 reps SLOW
- Update: single leg