- Do the daily Sequence first as a warm up
- Strength Circuit:
- Complete this sequence on WED
- Complete 1 set of the circuit to fatigue
- Single Leg Deadlift VIDEO
- try for 8-15 reps each leg slowly
- Add 5lbs to the hand of the leg that is in the air
- Stay short of the popping in the R hip
- Can also use the band around the opposite foot instead for resistance
- Side Step Band Progression VIDEO
- Red band 8-20 reps or 30-90sec
- Start standing on left leg with band around right foot, then switch to other leg
- Do both sides
- Pallof Press Lunge and Chest Press VIDEO
- Pay attention to front foot and knee position
- You will do 4 positions with this one explained in video
- try for 5 reps of each to start and work up towards your favorite number 8
- Double Leg Heel Raise VIDEO
- Keep feet straight and pressure through big toe
- 8-20reps
- try for 10-20 reps…get tired
- Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- Do this with the band around the knees
- Start with 30 sec or 5-8 reps
- Work your way up to 90sec or 20 reps
- Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- Ballet Pre Point Position VIDEO
- 5-10x each leg
- Ballet Door Way Point Transition VIDEO
- 5-10x each leg
- Ballet Pre Turn Band Around Knee VIDEO
- 5x each position, there are 3