- Exam Findings
- Pain localized to medial R scapular border
- Pain reproduced with looking down and turning head to the left more so then the right
- Sharp pain with rocking on hands and knees and with retraction of scapula in prone
- Significant scapular winging bilaterally
- Mild improvement in symptoms following chin tuck with thoracic ext and chin tuck with self sidebend to the right
- Initial Program
- Do these movements alot throughout the day
- 55) Deep Neck Flexor with Thoracic Extension Seated and Foam Roll VIDEO
- 10-15x throughout the day, pre post ballet
- 3) Chin Tuck with Side Bending VIDEO
- Focus on going to the right only
- 55) Deep Neck Flexor with Thoracic Extension Seated and Foam Roll VIDEO
- do the movements above plus the movements below as a circuit 1-2x per day
- 51) Prone Cervical and Scapula Positioning Drill VIDEO
- Try this one, holding each 5 sec and repeating 10-15x
- 115.1) Squat With Single Arm Support Progression VIDEO
- Try this one at the sink
- In a small squat, try to hold with one arm 5 sec then the other arm 5 sec then come up and take a brief break
- Then try for R arm, L arm, R arm , L arm….for a total of 2x on each arm for 5 sec each
- Then try 3 in a row…..until you feel somewhat tired and feel like you are unable to add another to the sequence
- 31.1) Hands Elevated Variation VIDEO
- Try this instead of the hands on the ground one we did in the office
- Let me know if there is less pinch with this one
- 8-15x
- 51) Prone Cervical and Scapula Positioning Drill VIDEO
- Do these movements alot throughout the day