- Mobility: Complete everyday 1-3x/day
- S-1A Chin Tuck with Side Bending VIDEO
- 10-20x especially with head going to the R
- S-14A Deep Neck Flexor with Thoracic Extension Seated and Foam Roll VIDEO
- S-7 Sleeper Stretch->Behind Back with Towel->Reach Opposite Arm VIDEO
- This shows a few exercises, you are doing just the reach behind the back part
- S-1A Chin Tuck with Side Bending VIDEO
- Strength Circuits: 10-20reps of each and then 2nd set do as 1/2 as many reps as first set
- Circuit #1
- S-17 Shoulder Flexion & Forward Reach Towel Slide to Ball Roll Out VIDEO
- You are doing 2nd part of video with the lager ball
- S-19 Band Extension Deadlift VIDEO
- S-17 Shoulder Flexion & Forward Reach Towel Slide to Ball Roll Out VIDEO
- Circuit #1