Complete all movements 1-2x per day. You will begin with 5-10 reps of each exercise. As that feels easy and does not cause any increase in pain, you can progress to doing each movement 15-20x. You will see some specific instructions for each movement below with a video link for each as well. When done as a circuit try to do them in the order they are listed below
Position your hands just like in the video, but you may notice that if your hands are a little further apart you can go a little further prior to tightness or pain
Pick the spacing between your hands that allows you to go through the movement with the least amount of pain
Initial Stuff for Elie to try for knee
Try a couple of the movements below
If any hurt, don’t do it, or does using less pressure or not going as far into the movement allow you to do the movement without pain
This can be done alot throughout the day, can be done once an hour or to decrease tightness when knee hurts. If this is alright, you may try to progress to the following