- 9-15-21: Review from in person session
- Movements to reduce tension in the neck and shoulders that can be done lightly 3-5x per day sets of 10 reps
- We also discussed when taking hands overhead to reduce the excessive shrug of the shoulders to reduce tension in the neck. If you look in the mirror you will see there is a point when you raise arms overhead that your shoulders move upward towards your ears. Try to stop just short of that at the wall. Once your hands are overhead you can do the light downward pull and hold that for about 5 sec and then slide back down, repeat that 5x. Also try taking your hand up the wall to a comfortable position and working on some deep breathing into your rib cage for 30-60sec afterwards.
- Daily Movements
- Upper Body Sequence
- 4 circuits of 2 movements, complete 2 sets of each movements, then progress to the next circuit of 2 movements
- Circuit #1
- 115) Bent Over Box Row VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 91.1) Supine DB Chest Fly VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 115) Bent Over Box Row VIDEO
- Circuit #2
- 92) Full Can/Scaption Supraspinatus VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 96.2) Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 92) Full Can/Scaption Supraspinatus VIDEO
- Circuit #3
- 73.1) Updated Band Tricep Extension VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 109.4) Incline Bench and Standing Cable Curl VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- Can just be done in standing with dumbbells
- 73.1) Updated Band Tricep Extension VIDEO
- Circuit #4
- 122) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 101.2) Pillow case Serratus Up Wall VIDEO
- Can progress to movement below as tolerable
- 122) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- Lower Body Sequence
- Circuit #1
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- 30-90sec
- Can progress to a weighted squat below for 8-15 reps
- 151) Goblet/Front Squat VIDEO
- 30-90sec
- 55.2) Band Dead Bug Variations VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- Circuit #2
- 60.1) Band LAQ Followed By Isometric Holds VIDEO
- 8-15 reps followed by a hold for 30-90sec
- Option 2 is below
- 115) Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- Can use ball or chair
- 60.1) Band LAQ Followed By Isometric Holds VIDEO
- Circuit #3
- 181.3) Walking Carry VIDEO
- 8-15 steps
- 174.1) Updated Sidelying leg Raise Pelvic Position VIDEO
- 8-15 hold each 3-5sec
- 181.3) Walking Carry VIDEO
- Circuit #4
- 160.1) Reverse Lunge Doorway Slide VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 185.4) Single Leg Balance Band Resisted 4 Way VIDEO
- 5-15 reps each direction
- 160.1) Reverse Lunge Doorway Slide VIDEO
- Circuit #1