- Mobility
- Upper Body
- Sagittal Plane
- 1) Foam Roll Pec Stretch and Thoracic Extension VIDEO
- 1.1) Deep Neck Flexor with Thoracic Extension Seated and Foam Roll VIDEO
- 1.2) Deep Neck Flexor Off the Bed Regression VIDEO
- 2) Shoulder Extension Mountain Pose VIDEO
- 2.1) Pillow Case Active Shoulder Extension Hands Progress Closer VIDEO
- 2.2) Standing Behind the Back Self Stretch VIDEO
- 3) Shoulder Extension Mobility Post->AROM Bilateral Post->Strength Table Top VIDEO
- 4) Shoulder Flexion Laying->Wall Sit->Seated Against Wall VIDEO
- 4.1) Supine Foam Roll Thoracic Extension VIDEO
- 4.2) Standing Wall Climb Thoracic Extension/Shoulder Flexion VIDEO
- 4.3) Supine Pullover Hip Flexion to Hip Ext VIDEO
- 4.4) Pillow case Serratus Up Wall VIDEO
- 4.5) Sidelying 3 way Shoulder Stability VIDEO
- 5) Shoulder Flexion Seated->Standing VIDEO
- 5.1) Supine Long Duration Pec Stretch VIDEO
- 5.2) Prone Press Up Progression VIDEO
- 5.3) Standing Wall Climb Breathing and Pelvic Control VIDEO
- 5.4 Sciatica/Disc Related Leg Pain Initial Movements VIDEO
- 5.5) Prone Press UP Spiderman Variation VIDEO
- 6) Counter Lumbar Extension Progression VIDEO
- 7) Supine Physio Ball Thoracic Ext Wheel Regression VIDEO
- 7.1) SEATED cane overhead flexion in ER/Behind head ER VIDEO
- Frontal/Transverse Plane
- 7.2) Neck Rotation Self SNAG VIDEO
- 8) Standing Thoracic Rotation with Band Around Knees VIDEO
- 9) Sidelying Thoracolumbar Sidebend with Upper Extremity Abduction VIDEO
- 10) Standing Shift Correction/ Upper Extremity Abduction with Sidebend VIDEO
- 11) Side Sit Lat/Thoracolumbar Side Bending Over head Reach VIDEO
- 11.1) Sidelying 3 way Shoulder Stability VIDEO
- 12) Sidelying Thoracolumbar Rotation Stretch VIDEO
- 12.1) Posterior Shoulder Stretch Door Pull VIDEO
- 12.2) Doorway Cross Body Stretch VIDEO
- 12.3) 3 move thoracic mobility sequence VIDEO
- 12.4) Posts seated Pec Stretch VIDEO
- 12.5) Prone “L” Stretch Posterior Shoulder VIDEO
- Sagittal Plane
- Lower Body
- Sagittal Plane
- 13) Seated Slide Hamstring and Quad Stretch VIDEO
- 13.1) Seated Basic Knee Motion Sequence VIDEO
- 13.2) Supine Heelslide VIDEO
- 14) Supine Terminal Knee Extension Strap VIDEO
- 14.1) Mulligan Knee Flexion Tibial IR VIDEO
- Childs Pose Variations
- 15) Childs Pose with Band to Improve Hip Flexion VIDEO
- 16) Hand Heel Rock Childs Pose to Plank or Up Dog VIDEO
- 17) Seated Flexion and Child’s Pose Breathing VIDEO
- 17.1) Thoracic length Post Seated, Stand, Wall bar VIDEO
- 18) Puppy Pose Progression VIDEO
- 18.1) Hands Elevated Variation VIDEO
- 18.2) Hands Elevated Variation with Breathing VIDEO
- 19) Cross Reach Progression VIDEO
- 19.1) Rock Heel to Toe Counter Progression VIDEO
- 19.2) Rock Heel to Toe Abduction Progression VIDEO
- 20) Downward Dog Progression From Higher Level to Floor VIDEO
- 20.1)Rock and Roll: Roll Back to Feet Overhead VIDEO
- Hip Extension Options
- 21) Band Resisted Hip Extension Mobilization VIDEO
- 22) 1/2 Kneel Anterior Lunge Single Arm Overhead Reach VIDEO
- 22.1) STEP: Hip Flexor to Hamstring Stretch VIDEO
- 23) Step Knee Flexion and Hip Extension VIDEO
- 23.1) 1/2 Kneel Rock Ankle Dorsiflexion Emphasis VIDEO
- 23.2) 1/2 Kneel Trunk Rotation VIDEO
- 23.3) Counter Step Back Heelraise VIDEO
- 24) Kneeling Hip Flexor and Hamstring Stretch VIDEO
- 24.1) 1/2 Kneel Post Isometric with Hip Flexor Stretch VIDEO
- Self MFR
- Ankle Dorsiflexion Progression
- 28.1) Seated Ankle Dorsiflexion and Plantarflexion VIDEO
- 28.2) 1/2 Kneel Ankle Dorsiflexion with 1st MTP Post VIDEO
- 28.3) Band Anterior Ankle Step Self Dorsiflexion VIDEO
- 28.4) Foot Propped Ankle DF/Gastroc Stretch VIDEO
- 28.5) 1/2 Kneel Foot Prop on Book DF VIDEO
- 28.6) Talus Stabilized Mobilizing Tibial ER VIDEO
- 28.7) Seated Heel Raise Update VIDEO
- 28.8) Step/Chair Raise in and out of Dorsiflexion VIDEO
- 28.9) Alternating Heel Drop Step Edge VIDEO
- 29) Great Toe Extension Stretch VIDEO
- Quadricep Stretch Options
- 29.1) Prone to Supine Quad Stretch, Isometric, Active Motion VIDEO
- 30) Supine Quad Stretch to Hamstring Stretch VIDEO
- 31) Seated Quad Stretch Foot Under Chair VIDEO
- 31.1) Seated Quad Stretch Pulse Under Chair VIDEO
- 31.2) Seated Both Feet Under Chair Lean Back Quad Stretch VIDEO
- 32) Standing Foot in Hand Quad Stretch VIDEO
- 33) Standing Foot on Chair/Step VIDEO
- 33.1) Supine Edge of Couch VIDEO
- 33.11) Supine Edge of Couch Heelraise VIDEO
- 33.2) Kneeling Quad Stretch at Chair VIDEO
- 33.3) Sidelying TFL/ITB Stretch VIDEO
- Hamstring/Sciatic Nerve Mobilization
- 34) SLUMP Neural Tension with Floss VIDEO
- 34.1) Sciatica/Disc Related Leg Pain Initial Movements VIDEO
- 35) Lying Hamstring Stretch VIDEO
- 35.1) Supine Knee to Chest VIDEO
- 35.2) Supine Floss/Tib Ant Ankle VIDEO
- 36) Seated Sciatic Nerve Floss VIDEO
- 36.1) Seated Flexion With Gradual Knee Extension Progression VIDEO
- 36.2) Seated Sciatic Nerve Stretch Long Sit VIDEO
- Frontal/Transverse Plane
- Hip Rotation
- Laying Down
- 37) Hip ER/IR With Knee Flexed Laying On Back VIDEO
- 38) Self MFR Ball Glute/Piriformis VIDEO
- 38.1) Cross Leg Basic Rock to Cross leg Progression VIDEO
- 39) Cross Leg Lower Trunk Rotation VIDEO
- 40) Cross Leg Posterior Hip Stretch VIDEO
- 40.1) Cross Leg Strap Assist VIDEO
- 41) Cross Leg Contract Relax Posterior Hip VIDEO
- 41.1) Laying Down Humeral Depression with Progression to Pec Stretch VIDEO
- 41.2) Cross Leg Lower Trunk Rotation Pec Stretch VIDEO
- 41.3) Cross Leg AROM with Over Pressure/Isometrics VIDEO
- 41.4) Cross Leg Supine Flexion VIDEO
- Seated
- Prone
- 45) Seated Ankle Inversion VIDEO
- 45.1) Self Ankle Inversion with Self Arch Mobilization VIDEO
- Hip Abduction ROM/Adductor Stretch
- Laying Down
- 49) Lateral Hamstring Stretch Strap and Seated VIDEO
- 50) Hip IR and ER in Extension Foot on Chair VIDEO
- 50.1) PRONE Hip IR/ER Iso Followed by active IR VIDEO
- 51) Side Sit Lat/Thoracolumbar Side Bending Over head Reach VIDEO
- 51.1) Frog Stretch VIDEO
- 51.2) Floor 3 Part Warm Up Sidelying, side sit, 1/2 kneel VIDEO
- 51.3) Side Sit Sidebend Self Mobilization VIDEO
- 51.4) Daily Warm UP SEQ 11-13-24 VIDEO
- Hip Rotation
- Sagittal Plane
- Upper Body
- Strength
- 52) Developmental Sequence: Transitional Movements Page
- Schroth Breakout
- 52.1) Sidelying Concave Side Down Breathing and Climbing Isometric VIDEO
- 52.11) Sidelying 4C Set up VIDEO
- 52.12) Elevated childs followed by seated pillowcase VIDEO
- 52.2) Schroth Band Around Trunk Wrap Breathing and Tension VIDEO
- 52.3) Schroth 3D Correction Counter 3C with 5th Pelvic Correction VIDEO
- 52.4 Schroth Prone on Stool VIDEO
- 52.5) Schroth Band Around Waist VIDEO
- 52.6) Schroth sidelying 3C update VIDEO
- 52.7) Prone on elbows scapular stabilization VIDEO
- 52.8) Quadruped scapular stabilization VIDEO
- 52.9) Elevated plank Scapular stabilization VIDEO
- 52.91) Floor High Plank Scapular stabilization VIDEO
- 52.92) Lateral wall Climb with Breathing VIDEO
- Anterior Chain
- Sagittal Plane
- 53) Activate the Core Without Pain VIDEO
- 53.1) 3D Correction Counter/Desk Breathing VIDEO
- 53.2) 3D Correction Counter Cane 3C Breathing VIDEO
- 53.3) Self MET Pelvis Supine VIDEO
- 53.4) Cat Breathing and Pelvic Tilt Video
- 54) Pelvic Awareness Drill VIDEO
- 54.1) Standing Posts and Shelf/Sitting Press Down/Breathing VIDEO
- 54.2) Wall Barre/Top of Fridge Self traction breathing VIDEO
- 55) Abdominal Isometric at Counter/Desk VIDEO
- 55.1) Abdominal Isometrics with Ball Squeeze Supine VIDEO
- Pullover Variations
- 55.2) Band Dead Bug Variations VIDEO
- 55.21) Dead Bug Thoracic Extension Variation VIDEO
- 55.3) Chest fly weighted pullover alternate VIDEO
- 56) Laying on Back Weight Pull Over and Band Pull Over VIDEO
- 56.1) Lying Down Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- 56.2) Lying on Weight Bench Pullover VIDEO
- 56.3) Pullover Edge of Bed Back Bend Progression VIDEO
- 56.4) Lying Over Ball Back Bend Regression with Leg Lift VIDEO
- 56.5) Supine Pullover Hip Flexion to Hip Ext VIDEO
- 57) Band Pull Down 3 Planes VIDEO
- 57.1) 1/2 Kneel Band Pull Down Thoracic Ext Prog VIDEO
- 57.2) Standing Lat Pull Front Straight Arm VIDEO
- 58) Triceps Press Overhead Band VIDEO
- 58.1) Seated 50 Per VIDEO
- 58.2) Full Can/Scaption Supraspinatus VIDEO
- 59) Half Kneel Abdominal Isometric VIDEO
- Push Up Variations
- Quad Activation
- 59.5) Quad and Hamstring Alternating Iso VIDEO
- 59.6) Alternate LAQ and Hamstring Curl Seated VIDEO
- 60) Seated Quadricep Isometric VIDEO
- 60.1) Band LAQ Followed By Isometric Holds VIDEO
- 60.2) Ab Lean back with Leg Extension VIDEO
- 61) Supine Quad Isometric in a Stretch VIDEO
- 62) Standing Quad isometric in a Stretch VIDEO
- 63) Kneeling Quadricep Activation Butt to Heels VIDEO
- 63.1) Supine Straight Leg Raise VIDEO
- 63.2) Terminal Knee Ext Quad Set into Leg Raise VIDEO
- Tall Kneel Lean Back Variations
- Plank Knee to Chest and Hip Extension Progression
- 71.1) Plank With Single Arm Holds High to Low VIDEO
- 72) Push Up Plank Hip Ext VIDEO
- 72.1) Plank Row/Reverse Fly VIDEO
- 73) Wall Plank Walkout Overhead Progression VIDEO
- 73.1) Supine Modified V Up VIDEO
- FP Variations
- Bear Variations
- 73.3) Bear Band Resist Tib Ant Hip Flexion VIDEO
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- 75) Bear to Plank Push Off Loading DNS VIDEO
- 76) Bear->Bear Crawl Scapula & Trunk Coordination VIDEO
- 77) Bear to Downward Dog Floor VIDEO
- 78) Down Dog to Up Dog Floor VIDEO
- 79) Bear Hip Extension->Mountain Climber VIDEO
- 79.1) Bear Hip Extension with Band VIDEO
- 80) Developmental Sequence Bear to Squat Variations VIDEO
- 81) Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- 82) Bear Up Wall to Hand Stand VIDEO
- 83) Bear Mountain Climber Speed VIDEO
- 83.1) Bear Opposite Arm and Leg VIDEO
- 83.11) Bird Dog Pete anterior shift with adductor VIDEO
- 83.12) Bird Dog 3 Positions VIDEO
- 83.2) Ball Rollout Wall Block VIDEO
- 84) Shoulder Flexion & Forward Reach Towel Slide to Ball Roll Out VIDEO
- 84.1) Physio Ball Knees to Chest/Pike VIDEO
- 84.2) Bar Hang Knees to Chest VIDEO
- 84.3) Bar Hang March VIDEO
- 85) Band Low Fly VIDEO
- 85.1) Band Press Hold Single Leg Progression VIDEO
- Transverse/Frontal Plane
- Palloff Press Variations
- 88.1) Side Plank Static Holds VIDEO
- 89) Lying Lower Trunk Rotation Legs Elevated VIDEO
- 90) Side Plank with Lateral Shift Progression VIDEO
- 90.1) Side Plank Lateral Shift Floor VIDEO
- 91) Rolling with Side Lying Rotation VIDEO
- 92) Scapular Control with Weight Shift Side Plank Progression VIDEO
- 92.1) Arm Bar VIDEO
- 93) Side Plank with Rotation Progression VIDEO
- 93.1) Band Chop to Baseball Swing VIDEO
- 93.2) Chop Switch Foot Work VIDEO
- 93.3) Rotation From a Stretch VIDEO
- 94) Band Chops Down and Across VIDEO
- 94.1) Tibialis Anterior Band VIDEO
- 94.2) Tibialis Anterior Heel Walk Variations VIDEO
- Sagittal Plane
- Posterior Chain
- Sagittal Plane
- 94.3) Updated Band Tricep Extension VIDEO
- 94.4) Band Extension VIDEO
- 94.5) Band Extension Single Arm Progress to Step VIDEO
- 94.6) Row to Step FP Progression VIDEO
- 95) Bent Over Box Row VIDEO
- 95.1) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- 95.2) Seated Physio Ball I, T Combo VIDEO
- 95.3) Supine/Wall Sit Resisted Flexion VIDEO
- 95.4) Supine Band Pull Apart VIDEO
- 95.41) Chest fly weighted pullover alternate VIDEO
- 95.5) Band Pull Apart Overhead Press Endurance VIDEO
- 95.6) Prone I/T on Floor Drill VIDEO
- 95.7) Seated Band Pull 50 Per VIDEO
- 95.8) Bilateral “W” External Rotation VIDEO
- 95.9) BlackBurns VIDEO
- 96) Pull Up Regression/Progression VIDEO
- 96.1) TRX Reverse Side Plank VIDEO
- Hip Extension/Glute Max Progression
- 96.2) Hip Extension Pump Standing VIDEO
- 96.3) Hip Extension Pump More Detail VIDEO
- 96.4) Counter Ab Control with Hip Ext Progression VIDEO
- 97) Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- 97.1) Quadruped Hip Ext Towel Slide and Band Progression VIDEO
- 97.2) Band Resist Hip Extension at Table VIDEO
- 97.3) Quadruped Calf Stretch VIDEO
- 98) Hip Extension Over Table/Bed VIDEO
- 98.1) Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO
- 98.2) Double Hip Extension Over Physio Ball VIDEO
- 98.3) Upper Body Extension VIDEO
- Hip Thrust Progression
- 101) 1/2 Kneel to Low Lunge VIDEO
- Hamstring Specific Progression
- 101.1) Seated Band Hamstring Curl VIDEO
- 101.2) Prone Hamstring Curl VIDEO
- 102) Hamstring Isometric Standing/1/2 Kneel VIDEO
- 103) Hamstring Loading Step or 1/2 Kneel into Stretch VIDEO
- 104) Counter Single Leg Deadlift Regression VIDEO
- 105) Wall Plank/Single Leg Deadlift Hybrid VIDEO
- Bridge Progression Floor
- 105.1) Pelvic Clock Progression into Bridge VIDEO
- 105.2) Bridge with Head Lift Chin to Chest VIDEO
- 106) Glute/Abdominal Isometric Supine Max Knee Flexion VIDEO
- 107) Heels to Butt on Floor Phase 1 VIDEO
- 107.1) Bridge Heels to Butt Band AB Activation VIDEO
- 108) Shoulder Extension/Internal Rotation Bridge VIDEO
- 109) Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- 110) Heels to Butt on Floor Marching Phase 2 VIDEO
- 111) Heels to Butt on Floor Single Leg Phase 3 VIDEO
- 111.1) Back Bridge Push Up VIDEO
- 112) Table Top Progression VIDEO
- Bridge Progression Physio Ball
- 113) Isometric Co-activation Abdominal/Glute Phase 1 VIDEO
- 113.1) Ball Hamstring Curl to Knee Extension VIDEO
- 114) Abdominal Control With Hamstring Curl Phase 2 VIDEO
- 114.1) Straight Leg Bridge Gradual Integration of Bent Knee VIDEO
- 115) Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 116) Hamstring Isometric with Contralateral Leg Raise VIDEO
- 117) Double Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 4 VIDEO
- 118) Single Leg Bridge Phase 5 VIDEO
- 119) Single Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 6 VIDEO
- Ankle
- 119.1) Seated Ankle INV/EV ROM and Isometric VIDEO
- 119.2) Peroneal Band Loop Seated VIDEO
- 119.3) Tib Anterior Raise Wall/Seated Video
- 120) Tibialis Posterior Seated Sweep VIDEO
- 120.1) Tibialis Posterior Band VIDEO
- 120.11) Peroneal Band VIDEO
- 120.12) Standing Ankle Inversion Rock VIDEO
- Calf Activation Non-Weight Bearing
- Heel Raise Progression at Wall
- Heel Raise Edge of Step
- 126.5) Heelraise Pulses Progression VIDEO
- Step Hip Extension with Push Off Progression
- 126.51 Step Lunge with Post Elongation VIDEO
- 126.6) Step Back Leg Heelraise VIDEO
- 127) Step Knee Flexion Intro VIDEO
- 127.1) Step with Ankle Dorsiflexion VIDEO
- 127.2) Step Heel Raise Short Range VIDEO
- 128) Phase 1 Heel Raise in Hip Extension Supported VIDEO
- 129) Phase 2 Heel Raise in Hip Extension Unsupported VIDEO
- 130) Phase 3 Dynamic Movement 3 Planes Balance VIDEO
- Lunge Variations
- 130.1) Press FP Progression VIDEO
- 130.11) Fly Curl Press FP VIDEO
- 131) 1/2 Kneeling Progression VIDEO
- 131.1) 1/2 Kneel to Stand Transition VIDEO
- 132) Sprinter Lunge with Trunk Rotation VIDEO
- 133) Sprinter Lunge VIDEO
- 134) Lunge Knee Position Intro with Progression to Pre Single Leg Stance VIDEO
- 135) Row Band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- 135.1) Row Band with Step VIDEO
- 135.2) Lunge Row Progression to Stepping 3 phase VIDEO
- 136) Press band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- 136.1) Band Press with Step VIDEO
- 136.2) Press 3 Phase into Stepping VIDEO
- 137) High Lunge at Table VIDEO
- 137.1) Counter Step Back Reverse Lunge VIDEO
- 138) Step Up Lunge VIDEO
- 139) Lunge with Band Around Knee Glute Med Activation VIDEO
- 140) 1/2 Kneel Band Around Knee Glute Med VIDEO
- Band Upper Body Lunge Variations
- 141) Band Horizontal Abduction VIDEO
- 141.1) 1/2 Kneel Band horizontal Abduction with Progression to Rotation VIDEO
- 141.2) 1/2 kneel and lunge Horizontal Adduction UPdate VIDEO
- 142) Band Horizontal Adduction VIDEO
- 142.1) PNF D2 Band Down and Across VIDEO
- 142.2) Band PNF Up and Out Lawnmower VIDEO
- 142.3) PNF Diagonal D1 Up and Across VIDEO
- 142.4) Band PNF Down and Out VIDEO
- 142.5) Lunge with reach down and across VIDEO
- 143) 1/2 Kneel Sliding Lunge VIDEO
- 143.1) Low Row Cable Machine VIDEO
- 143.2 Resisted Stepping Support to None VIDEO
- 144)Anterior Lunge with Overhead Reach VIDEO
- 145) Lateral Lunge Intro VIDEO
- 146) Static Anterior Lunge with Thoracic Rotation VIDEO
- 146.1) Rotation Reach, Lunge, Combo 3DMAPS VIDEO
- 146.2) Rotational Stepping with Upper Band Resist VIDEO
- 146.3) Frontal Plane Step with Band Resist VIDEO
- Stair Negotiation
- Squat Progression
- 148.2) Squat with hand/post assist VIDEO
- 149) Upper Body Assisted Squat VIDEO
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- 149.2) Sink Squat Update VIDEO
- 149.3) Back Against Ball at Wall Squat VIDEO
- 150) Squat with Forward Reach Band Around Knees VIDEO
- 150.1) Squat With Single Arm Support Progression VIDEO
- 150.11) Squat/Deadlift Hybrid Band Around Knee in Hands VIDEO
- 151) Goblet/Front Squat VIDEO
- 152) Front Squat Band Pull Down Variation VIDEO
- 152.1) Bosu Squat RUN VIDEO
- 152.11) Split Squat VIDEO
- 152.2) Single Leg Squat TRX->BOSU->Floor VIDEO
- 152.21)Single Leg Squat to Chair Door frame/Post VIDEO
- 152.3) Split Squat Post Knee Flexion VIDEO
- Deadlift Progression/Variations
- 153) Pelvic Awareness Drill VIDEO
- 154) Hip Hinge VIDEO
- 155) Butt to Wall Deadlift Drill VIDEO
- 155.1) Post Through Elbows VIDEO
- 155.2) Hands Back to Band Around Neck VIDEO
- 155.3) Band Around Anterior Pelvis Drill VIDEO
- 156) Press into Palms for Anterior Chain Activation VIDEO
- 157) Band Extension Deadlift VIDEO
- 157.1) Squat/Deadlift Hybrid band Around Knees in Hands VIDEO
- 158) Standing Row VIDEO
- 159) Deadlift Intro VIDEO
- 159.1) Lateral Swing Progression FP VIDEO
- 159.2) Double Arm Swing FP VIDEO
- Single Leg Deadlift
- 160) Reverse Lunge VIDEO
- 160.1) Reverse Lunge Doorway Slide VIDEO
- 161) Reverse Lunge Towel Slide VIDEO
- 161.1) Slider Clock VIDEO
- 161.2) Post Support Reverse Lunge Slide VIDEO
- 161.3) Reverse lunge slide NO hands VIDEO
- 162) Single Leg Deadlift VIDEO
- 162.1) Post hand to Foot Variation VIDEO
- 163) Single Leg Deadlift with Rotation VIDEO
- 163.1) Single Leg Deadlift Band Extension VIDEO
- 164) Flexion Preference Exercise Sequence VIDEO
- Frontal/Transverse Plane
- 165) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- 165.1) Seated Physio Ball Band I, T VIDEO
- 166) Supine to Wall Sit Wide Pull Down VIDEO
- 167) D2 Flexion Band 3 Positions VIDEO
- 168) Black Burns VIDEO
- Gluteus Medius Activation
- 168.1) Side sit to Sideplank Knee Stack VIDEO
- 168.2 Side sit to sideplank Knee Stack with clamshell VIDEO
- 168.3) Wall Ball Lunge VIDEO
- 168.4) Floor Cross Step to Stand Initiation VIDEO
- 169) Supine Clamshell VIDEO
- 169.1) Supine Clamshell Band in Hands VIDEO
- 169.2) Supine Clamshell Band X Band Position VIDEO
- 170) Side Lying Clamshell Wall VIDEO
- 170.1) Wall Sit Clamshell VIDEO
- 170.2) Step Clamshell Band Loop KneeVIDEO
- 170.3) Lunge Clamshell Band Loop Knee VIDEO
- 170.4) Step Clamshell Updated Band Position VIDEO
- 170.5) 1/2 kneel Clamshell or Foot on Stool VIDEO
- 170.6) 1/2 Kneel Clamshell with Band Followed by Hold with Forward Movement VIDEO
- 171) Side Sit with Rotation and Glute Isometric VIDEO
- 171.1) Side Sit Transition to Quadruped VIDEO
- 172) Band Around Knees/Ankles Side Step Progression VIDEO
- 172.1) Band Loop Side Step 4 Way VIDEO
- 173) Side Lying Straight Leg Raise with Wall VIDEO
- 173.1) Side Lying Leg Raise Couch Small Range VIDEO
- 174) Sidelying Leg Raise Progression to a Stretch VIDEO
- 174.1) Updated Sidelying leg Raise Pelvic Position VIDEO
- 175) Side Step Band Progression VIDEO
- 176) Side Sit to Side Plank VIDEO
- Adductor Activation
- 176.1) Abdominal Control with Ball Squeeze Isometric VIDEO
- 177)Supine Adductor Isometric VIDEO
- 178) Standing Adductor Isometric VIDEO
- 178.1) Adductor Isometric into Lateral Lunge Stretch VIDEO
- 179) Standing Adductor Slide VIDEO
- 179.1) Standing Elevated Lateral Lunge VIDEO
- 179.2) Clock Slider
- 180) Standing Lateral Step Single Leg Squat VIDEO
- 180.1) Physio Ball Kneeling Adductor and Trunk Coordination VIDEO
- 180.2) Standing Band Adductor Lateral, Forward, Backward Step VIDEO
- 180.3) Standing Band Adductor 3 Position Rotation VIDEO
- 180.4) Deep Lateral Lunge Progression VIDEO
- 181) Standing Single Leg Adductor Band VIDEO
- Weighted Carry Progression
- Single Leg Balance Progression
- 181.5) Basic Walking Drills Heel Toe High Knee VIDEO
- 181.6) Heel Toes Walking Forward/Backward VIDEO
- 181.7) Door Way Balance with Trunk Rotations VIDEO
- 181.8) Stepping to Hallway Walk with Arm Swing VIDEO
- 182) Counter to Wall Single Leg VIDEO
- 182.1) Stairs Step Tap Drill Progression VIDEO
- 183) Two Posts Four Point to Single Leg VIDEO
- 183.1) Post Towel Slides Pre Single Leg Balance VIDEO
- 184) Post 1st MTP Valgus Correction into Single Leg VIDEO
- 184.1) Heelraise Pulses Progression VIDEO
- 185) Stride Lunge to Single Leg Stance Door Way VIDEO
- 185.1) Pre Run/Walk Single Leg Balance Drill VIDEO
- 185.2) Pre Run/Walk Band Resisted Stride Drill VIDEO
- 185.3) Band Press Holds Single Leg Progression VIDEO
- 185.4) Single Leg Balance Band Resisted 4 Way VIDEO
- 185.5) Single Leg Balance High Posts Facing Stairs VIDEO
- 186) Sagittal Plane Stability VIDEO
- 187) Frontal Plane Stability VIDEO
- 188) Transverse Plane Stability VIDEO
- 189) Multiplanar Stability VIDEO
- 190) Quick Step Reaction Drill 3 Way VIDEO
- Bosu/Foam Roll Balance Progression
- 190.1) Bosu Weight Shifts VIDEO
- 191) Phase 1 Static Balance VIDEO
- 191.1) Physio Ball Kneeling Adductor and Trunk Coordination VIDEO
- 191.2) Foam Roll Log Roll Balance VIDEO
- 192) Sagittal Plane Stability VIDEO
- 193) Frontal Plane Stability VIDEO
- 194) Transverse Plane Stability VIDEO
- 195) Single Leg Deadlift to Single Leg Squat VIDEO
- 196) Multiple Plane Stability VIDEO
- Turkish Get Up Progression
- Landmine
- 198.1) 90deg Turn with Snatch and Press VIDEO coming soon
- 198.2) 3 steps Snatch to press Facing forward VIDEO coming soon
- 199.1) Ballet Hip Flexion Review with Step Regression VIDEO
- Sagittal Plane
- Agility/Plyometrics
- Sagittal Plane
- 199.2) Basic Double Leg to Single Leg Loading Jumping VIDEO
- 199.3) Box jump single leg landing progression VIDEO
- 200) Step Up Progression with Increase In Speed VIDEO
- 201) Single Leg Deadlift Speed Progression VIDEO
- 201.1) Box Squat Speed Pre Jump VIDEO
- 202) Band Resisted Hip Hinge Pre Broad Jump VIDEO
- 203) Broad Jump 2 Feet VIDEO
- 203.1) Double Leg Jump Initiation VIDEO
- 203.2) Staggered Stance Jump Progression VIDEO
- 203.3) Jump Down Progression Double to Single Land VIDEO
- 203.4) Split Squat Speed to Jump Progression VIDEO
- 204) Sagittal Plane Front to Back Jumps VIDEO
- 205) Pre Running Pattern with Single Leg Pauses VIDEO
- 205.1) Bosu Squat Run VIDEO
- 205.2) 3 Movement Pre Extension Sequence VIDEO
- Frontal/Transverse Plane
- 210) Walking Lunge Treadmill Progression VIDEO
- Sagittal Plane
- Exercise Progression LUMBAR
- Sciatica/Disc Related Leg Pain Initial Movements VIDEO
- Step 1: Find the Movement Preference Supported VIDEO
- Step 1: Find the Movement Preference Unsupported VIDEO
- Step 2: Activate the Core Without Pain VIDEO
- Step 3: Apply Trunk Control While Progressing Hip and Mid Back Movement VIDEO
- Step 4: Full Motion All Planes Progressing Gradually Into Previously Painful Directions VIDEO
- Step 5: Progression to Transitional Movement and Functional Positions VIDEO