LP: Chronic Achilles Tendinopathy post PRP and Tenex Procedure: Phase 3 (12-26-17)

  • Conversation follow up concerns
    • Continues to feel distal achilles soreness with walking “normally”
      • As we discussed previously, your calf and tendon are still very weak at this point and forcing yourself to walk a certain way that is painful is not ideal.
      • If this is my achilles, goal number one is to avoid any activity that aggravates it
      • If you can change your gait in a way that hurts less overall then for now…do it
      • I would still like to have a video of your version of normal walking compared to the way you have to walk for it to not hurt
        • Also did you try the tape?
          • Discussed shorter stride, taping options, self soft tissue massage for tendon
          • Rock Tape Insertional Peroneus Brevis Tendonitis
            • This technique can also be used for the achilles, the only difference is the small piece I use in the beginning should be taken across your achilles, just above the area that is most painful
            • Self massage tendon VIDEO
              • This can be done lightly to work on desensitizing the tendon
              • If an area is really sensitive work around it or be very gentle
              • I would hit 3-4 sensitive areas for 2-3 minutes
  • Phase 3: