- Daily Sequence
- 46) Side Lying Thoracolumbar Rotation Stretch VIDEO
- Move slowly in and out of position
- 10x each side
- 18.1) Supine and Standing Updated Isometric Shoulder Ext/Add/IR VIDEO
- hold each 5 sec, repeat 10x
- 36.1) Supine Foam Roll Thoracic Extension VIDEO
- Move the roll from just below bra strap/lower ribcage up hitting 3-4 spots and reaching overhead at each 5x
- 171) Side Sit with Rotation and Glute Isometric VIDEO
- 10x hold each 5 sec both sides
- 46) Side Lying Thoracolumbar Rotation Stretch VIDEO
- Strength Sequence: Complete every other day, 2 sets of each circuit
- Circuit #1
- 96.2) Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- 4lbs dumbbells in each hand
- Keep rib cage down
- 4-5 sec on the lowering
- Goal: 8-20 reps
- 84) Arm Bar VIDEO
- 10lbs
- 30sec to 2 min
- Keep scapula down away from ear
- 96.2) Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- Circuit #2
- 121.1) 1/2 Kneel Band horizontal Abduction with Progression to Rotation VIDEO
- Can be done on one knee or standing in a lunge
- Slow and controlled keeping shoulder down
- 8-20 reps each side
- 79.2) Plank With Single Arm Holds High to Low VIDEO
- start with 10sec, then 15sec, then 20 sec alternating arms at chair height
- 121.1) 1/2 Kneel Band horizontal Abduction with Progression to Rotation VIDEO
- Circuit #3
- 122) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- red or green band
- 30-90sec in wall sit
- 81) Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- 30-90sec
- 122) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- Circuit #4
- Band External Rotation Wave VIDEO coming soon
- red band, facing where the band is attached
- bending and straightening elbow 30-90sec
- do this down on one knee
- 30-90sec
- Band Internal Rotation Wave
- Green or blue band with band attached behind you
- also on one knee
- 30-90sec bending and straightening elbow
- Band External Rotation Wave VIDEO coming soon
- Circuit #5
- 104.2) Over Head Holds Kettlebell/ Dumbbell VIDEO
- 30sec-90sec, 10lbs
- Band attached in front, band pull single leg deadlift VIDEO coming soon
- Feel tension in the hamstring with band in the hand of the leg off the ground
- Foot reaches back as hand reaches forward, then pull band down to side as you return to upright standing
- 8-15reps
- 104.2) Over Head Holds Kettlebell/ Dumbbell VIDEO
- Circuit #1
- Day 1 Movements: EVERYDAY
- Light Sequence that can be used as a warm up pre activity
- Should be done 1-2x per day
- 18.1) Supine and Standing Updated Isometric Shoulder Ext/Add/IR VIDEO
- hold each 5 sec, repeat 10x
- 36.1) Supine Foam Roll Thoracic Extension VIDEO
- Move the roll from just below bra strap/lower ribcage up hitting 3-4 spots and reaching overhead at each 5x
- 46) Side Lying Thoracolumbar Rotation Stretch VIDEO
- Move slowly in and out of position
- 10x each side
- 171) Side Sit with Rotation and Glute Isometric VIDEO
- 10x hold each 5 sec both sides
- 18.1) Supine and Standing Updated Isometric Shoulder Ext/Add/IR VIDEO