- Daily Routine: Try this especially after activity or before bed
- Can be completed everyday
- 8-15 reps for each
- 107.1) Bridge Heels to Butt Band AB Activation VIDEO
- Try this as an alternative to keep abdominals engagaed
- 18.1) Hands Elevated Variation VIDEO
- This will help with the lower back
- 38.1) Cross Leg Basic Rock to Cross leg Progression VIDEO
- Gently option to improve rotation through the hip
- Strength: Every other Day
- Bridge Progression Floor (Choose 1)
- 8-20 reps…if you get to 20, progress to the next phase and start with lower reps
- 107) Heels to Butt on Floor Phase 1 VIDEO
- 110) Heels to Butt on Floor Marching Phase 2 VIDEO
- 111) Heels to Butt on Floor Single Leg Phase 3 VIDEO
- Single Leg balance Progression (Choose 1)
- Plank Knee to Chest and Hip Extension Progression (Choose 1)
- 30sec to 2 minutes, start with the static plank progression and then progress to the moving planks below
- 66.1) Static Plank High to Low VIDEO
- 68) Counter Push Phase 1 VIDEO
- 69) Table Height Phase 2 VIDEO
- 70) Chair/Step Height Phase 3 VIDEO
- 71) Floor Phase 4 VIDEO
- Glute Med Strength Progression (Choose 1)
- 8-20 reps, if you get to 20 try the next harder movement
- 169.1) Supine Clamshell Band in Hands VIDEO (Phase 1)
- 170) Side Lying Clamshell Wall VIDEO (Phase 2)
- Bridge Progression Floor (Choose 1)