Phase 1: Daily Movements to complete lightly one set 10-20reps 1-2x/day, 1 set of each exercise
- If any of these are painful during or after decrease the level of intensity by going through a shorter range or doing it with less pressure.
- Some of the more challenging movements you may have to do every other day if they make you sore, it is also a good idea to ice after the first couple times these are completed to decrease the risk of subsequent soreness for 10-15minutes
- A-6A Seated Ankle Dorsiflexion and Plantarflexion VIDEO
- Heel Raise Progression at Wall (Pick one)
- Goal is 10-20 reps without pain before progressing
- A-41 Double Leg Heel Raise VIDEO
- A-42 Double Concentric/Single Leg Eccentric VIDEO
- A-43 Single Leg Concentric/Eccentric VIDEO
- A-16A Seated Ankle Inversion VIDEO
- A-40A Tibialis Posterior Seated Sweep VIDEO
- Gluteus Medius Activation (Pick one)