- 4-17-18
- 3-26-18
- We discussed the concept of the your hip flexor and quad still over powering your glute and hamstring. Your low back gets caught in the middle and can become tight or painful.
- Your posture appears to be slightly shifted to the left
- You will have light movements to do daily as much as possible, use these also as a warm up and cool down pre post gym stuff
- I will also adjust your current strength training routine
- Daily Sequence
- 37) Hip ER/IR With Knee Flexed Laying On Back VIDEO
- 10x each leg
- 6) Counter Lumbar Extension Progression VIDEO
- Arms overhead holding old T Shirt or pillowcase
- 10x
- can also do this on your back of counter is not available
- 4) Shoulder Flexion Laying->Wall Sit->Seated Against Wall VIDEO
- Do this lying down only and with L leg out straight
- 4) Shoulder Flexion Laying->Wall Sit->Seated Against Wall VIDEO
- 37) Hip ER/IR With Knee Flexed Laying On Back VIDEO
- Strength Sequence
- Push Sequence
- Barbell Bench Press
- 96) Laying on Back Weighted Pull Over VIDEO
- 5lbs each hand
- 105.1) Machine Shoulder Press VIDEO
- 92) Full Can/Scaption Supraspinatus VIDEO
- 91) Band Horizontal Adduction VIDEO
- Can be done with cable for chest fly or seated fly machine
- 79) Bear Hip Extension->Mountain Climber VIDEO
- Pull Sequence
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- Body weight endruance…no pain
- 135) Row Band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- Can be cable or band
- 97) Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- Upright Row
- 169) Supine Clamshell VIDEO
- Light band around the knee
- This starts to activate posterior lateral hip
- try for endurance 30-90sec but if it hurts don’t do it
- I have some other variations if needed
- 126) Single Leg Concentric/Eccentric VIDEO
- 117) Double Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 4 VIDEO
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- Push Sequence