- Email Follow up
- This week went well, likes hip flexor with tennis ball stretch
- Pain in hip flexor/quad since race
- Unable to run since irritating it from 1/2 marathon
- Updates below in bold
- Daily Routine
- Strength Circuit
- Complete every other day
- Go through the circuit twice, the second time through it do half as many reps or have the time as the first set
- Still do the daily movements the same day
- 124) Double Leg Heel Raise VIDEO
- Ankle mobility can be part of the problem
- Use this to activate and stretch your calf
- Goal 8-20 reps
- If able to do 20 reps progress to
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- Keep feet close to whatever you are holding
- Goal 30-90sec
- Keep weight on heels to get more activity in the glute and hamstring
- 74) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- Highly recommend using a mirror
- Getting this is important because your ability to maintain a flat back will be important for all movements moving forward
- progress to
- 81) Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- hold each leg lift for 5 sec, alternating legs while maintaining the bear for 30 sec to 2 min
- If there is pain, don’t do the leg lift and just hold the bear position
- 56.2) Lying on Weight Bench Pullover VIDEO
- This will activate your hip flexor lightly into a stretch
- can do this on weight bench like in the video or lying on an exercise ball
- 8-15reps is the goal
- Gluteus Medius Activation Choose 1