- Week Six
- Email feedback from week 5
- Unable to do band horizontal abduction due to time constraints
- 12-15 reps 2 posts single leg stance
- Supine hamstring curl 12 reps
- plans to attempt sidelying clamshell
- Heel to butt march 12 reps
- Circuit #3 can be done along with circuit #2
- Email feedback from week 5
- In BOLD below you will see updates that I have made to your current movements
- Goal continues to be 10-20reps or 30-90sec
- As usual, make sure that none of these movements are causing significant pain
- As soon as you feel pain or fatigue, stop
- You will alternate the two days below, Sunday is an off day or repeat Circuit#1
- Email me on Sunday with your assessment of how the week went. I will send you a few specific questions I would like to know before completing your program for the following week
- Circuit 1: Complete Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Light Day
- Bridge Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- I believe I gave you a few bands, start with green around your knees
- The bridge has never given you any issue so let’s keep this one
- When able to complete 20 reps progress to
- Heels to Butt on Floor Marching Phase 2 VIDEO
- Continue with this movement until you are able to reach 20 reps
- Heels to Butt on Floor Marching Phase 2 VIDEO
- Upper Body Assisted Squat VIDEO
- Let’s try this movement holding door handle or sink
- Once you are able to do 20 reps without any problems, progress to the movement below
- Squat with Forward Reach Band Around Knees VIDEO
- Use the same color band that you use for clamshell and bridge
- If you still feel better holding the sink, stick with that but add band around knees
- Squat with Forward Reach Band Around Knees VIDEO
- Standing Quad isometric in a Stretch VIDEO
- I want to make sure you are able to activate your quad without pain in the hip
- If this causes any pain, stop and email me
- Hip Extension Over Table/Bed VIDEO
- Progress to plank position at edge of table height below
- 10-20 reps on each leg
- Table Height Phase 2 VIDEO
- Bridge Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- Circuit 2: Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday: Light Sequence plus some more challenging movements
- Bridge Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- I believe I gave you a few bands, start with green around your knees
- The bridge has never given you any issue so let’s keep this one
- When able to complete 20 reps progress to
- Standing Adductor Isometric VIDEO
- Hold each 5 sec, make sure you feel tension in inner thigh without pain
- May progress to:
- Standing Adductor Slide VIDEO
- Be careful not to progress too quickly out to the side, start in a short range
- Standing Adductor Slide VIDEO
- May progress to:
- Hold each 5 sec, make sure you feel tension in inner thigh without pain
- Bridge Progression Physio Ball (In order for easiest to hardest, pick one that is challenging but not painful)
- Isometric Co-activation Abdominal/Glute Phase 1 VIDEO
- Abdominal Control With Hamstring Curl Phase 2 VIDEO
- Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- Hamstring Isometric with Contralateral Leg Raise VIDEO
- Double Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 4 VIDEO
- Single Leg Bridge Phase 5 VIDEO
- Single Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 6 VIDEO
- Standing Quad isometric in a Stretch VIDEO
- I want to make sure you are able to activate your quad without pain in the hip
- If this causes any pain, stop and email me
- PHASE 2:
- Kneeling Quadricep Activation Butt to Heels VIDEO
- Kneeling Quadricep Activation Butt to Heels VIDEO
- Hip Extension Over Table/Bed VIDEO
- Progress to plank position at edge of table height below
- 10-20 reps on each leg
- Table Height Phase 2 VIDEO
- Side Lying Clamshell Wall VIDEO
- If this causes pain, go back to the supine clamshell listed below
- You discussed progressing to this…Try to do it in a very small range at first to minimize the risk of pinching or sharp hip pain
- If the sidelying clamshell isn’t working try the movement below as an alternative
- Supine Clamshell VIDEO
- Single Leg Balance Progression (Pick one)
- Your goal with each is to be able to do it for a minimum of 30sec and up to 2 minutes
- If you get to 2 minutes without significant difficulty, you are ready to progress to the nest one on the list
- H-48G Counter to Wall Single Leg VIDEO
- H-48H Two Posts Four Point to Single Leg VIDEO
- H-48I Stride Lunge to Single Leg Stance Door Way VIDEO
- H-49 Sagittal Plane Stability VIDEO
- H-50 Frontal Plane Stability VIDEO
- H-51 Transverse Plane Stability VIDEO
- H-52 Multiplanar Stability VIDEO
- Bridge Band Around Knees Progression VIDEO
- Circuit #3
- A-40A Tibialis Posterior Seated Sweep VIDEO
- make sure your knee doesn’t move and keep pressure on big toe not letting it come up off the ground
- 10-20reps
- A-31E Wall Plank/Single Leg Deadlift Hybrid VIDEO
- DON’T over stretch
- 8-20 reps slow
- A-46F Band Horizontal Abduction VIDEO
- Band in the hand of the foot that is back
- Don’t go into a deep lunge but try to make sure your stance is narrow enough that you feel slightly unstable
- 10-20reps each arm
- A-40A Tibialis Posterior Seated Sweep VIDEO