MS: Low Back/SI Joint Pain Online Program (8-25-20)
We discussed the set up of a home program with some strength circuits that you will do 3x/week. I will still have you do a couple light movements daily looking for 2-3 movements that feel good. i included a couple new ones to try and I am interested to know if any of the daily movements that stretch one side at a time feel different when comparing one side to the to the other
Daily movements
Rocking hands and knees
Quad Stretch: Is it tighter on the right compared to the left
Strength Circuits
Circuit #1
Weighted Pullover: minimum of 8 max of 20 reps
Hands and knees Hip extension slide: Start with just the sldie and hold each 5 sec, if it doesn;t feel too bad add the band around the foot: min of 8 max of 20 reps each side