- 7-30-18
- transition back to speed workouts
- Try to begin with 1x800m, the some lateral skater jumps for 30-60sec, mountain climbers 30-60sec. Go through this once…If it goes well keep adding a circuit each time to you repeat
- Speed Circuit #2,
- 201) Single Leg Deadlift Speed Progression VIDEO
- alternating 5 fast and 5 slow
- 207) Carioca Lateral Agility VIDEO
- 30 yards down and back
- 400 meter
- Same as above, if goes well add a round each time
- 201) Single Leg Deadlift Speed Progression VIDEO
- Ideally you would still have a minimum of 2 strength days per week
- 5-16-18
- Complete strength circuits below 2 sets every other day
- Ice after 10-15min
- Organization
- 5-2 Off Day
- 5-3: 2-3 miles light jog with walk breaks as needed…ice after and do daily sequence one set before and after
- 5-4: Daily Circuit 1 set, Agility Circuit 2-3 sets 30-45sec each station, strength circuit 1-2 sets….ice
- 5-5: Daily Circuit 1 set, 2-4 miles with walking as needed, daily circuit…ice
- 5-6: OFF day…maybe a light daily circuit
- 5-7: Adjust as needed based on how 5-4 went (If you were sore, take out any agility movements you felt were more uncomfortable then others)Daily Circuit 1 set, Agility Circuit 2-3 sets 30-45sec each station, strength circuit 1-2 sets….ice
- 5-8: Daily Circuit 1 set, 2-4 miles with walking as needed, daily circuit…ice
- 5-9 COME Here
- 5-10 Race Day
- Agility Sequence
- First time through this
- Do it slow, keep all distances on the shallow end
- Can ramp up a little second set
- 201.1) Box Squat Speed Pre Jump VIDEO
- Slow on the down and fast on the up
- 206) Frontal Plane Lateral Skater Jumps VIDEO
- start first set pausing on each landing
- can progress to less of a pause
- 203) Broad Jump 2 Feet VIDEO
- start shorter distances
- 207) Carioca Lateral Agility VIDEO
- 205) Pre Running Pattern with Single Leg Pauses VIDEO
- First time through shorter stride with pauses
- second time through…longer stride and/or shorter pauses
- Email me with any questions/issues
- First time through this
- Strength Circuit#1
- 111) Heels to Butt on Floor Single Leg Phase 3 VIDEO
- 4-10 reps slow each leg…when it gets painful, stop and do the double leg position below
- 107) Heels to Butt on Floor Phase 1 VIDEO second set
- 8-15 reps
- 149) Upper Body Assisted Squat VIDEO
- band around the knees
- 8-20 reps
- 161) Reverse Lunge Towel Slide VIDEO
- 34 inches from sink with back leg
- second set
- 103) Hamstring Loading Step or 1/2 Kneel into Stretch VIDEO
- Press heel as you slowly straighten leg back
- 5-15 reps
- 103) Hamstring Loading Step or 1/2 Kneel into Stretch VIDEO
- second set
- 34 inches from sink with back leg
- 111) Heels to Butt on Floor Single Leg Phase 3 VIDEO
- Strength Circuit #2
- 83) Bear Mountain Climber Speed VIDEO
- We started one leg at a time moving…you can progress to feet passing each other
- If that goes well you can try as I discuss alternating slow and fast motions
- 162) Single Leg Deadlift VIDEO
- Slow on the way down
- 5-15 reps
- 126) Single Leg Heelraise Concentric/Eccentric VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- 141) Band Horizontal Abduction VIDEO
- 8-15 reps
- 83) Bear Mountain Climber Speed VIDEO
- Hamstring Rock Tape VIDEO
- Daily Exercises: Complete 2-3x /day
- 28) Self MFR Hamstring VIDEO
- 3-4 spots with 10-15 kicks each
- 35) Lying Hamstring Stretch VIDEO
- 10-15 light kicks
- 113) Isometric Co-activation Abdominal/Glute Phase 1 VIDEO
- Hold each 5 sec
- Repeat 10x
- Phase 2
- 124) Double Leg Heel Raise VIDEO
- Complete 8-20x
- This double leg version can be done daily
- let’s keep both legs on the ground for now
- 98.1) Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO
- If painful, do not lift the leg off the ground, just straighten knee squeeze and hold 5 sec
- Repeat 5-10x each leg
- 28) Self MFR Hamstring VIDEO
- Running Progression LINK
- Try this following the rules listed
- Let me know how its going