- 5-8-18 Updates
- Rolling trunk control
- Mix in the position moving the legs that you feel engages your trunk
- 106.1) Rolling Get Up Variation Bottom VIDEO
- We did this with 5lbs
- you may want to mix in some of the kneeling lean back for the shoulder after
- 106.1) Rolling Get Up Variation Bottom VIDEO
- Mix in the position moving the legs that you feel engages your trunk
- Foot
- 170.5) 1/2 kneel Clamshell or Foot on Stool VIDEO
- Heelraise Options: all can start with holds at the top of the raise
- 123) Seated Heelraise VIDEO
- 120.2) Band Plantarflexion/Gastroc Activation VIDEO
- heelraise in plank
- Rolling trunk control
- 4-5-18 Updates
- Hands and knees foot on towel hip ext with band…video coming soon
- 89) Lying Lower Trunk Rotation Legs Elevated VIDEO
- 115) Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 88) 1/2 Kneeling Variation VIDEO
- Rolling video coming soon
- 1-2 Updates
- Daily Movements
- Chin Tuck with Side Bending VIDEO
- 14) Tall Kneel with Scapular Depression/Retraction VIDEO
- 1.1) Self 1st Rib/AC Joint Mobilization VIDEO
- focus on going to the L
- 31.1) Hands Elevated Variation VIDEO
- 123.1) Feet Apart Hip Abduction Raise Small Range VIDEO
- 51) Prone Cervical and Scapula Positioning Drill VIDEO
- Work on this for gradually longer periods of time holding head in the air
- Strength Circuits
- #1
- #2
- #3
- Daily Movements
- 11-30 updates
- Heelraise holds up high, can use ball between knees
- subsititue the sitting back towards heels ankle stretch for the bear to down dog
- strength sequence movements: don’t need to all of the each time but make sure you hit the shoulder movements in bold
- 117) Standing Band External Rotation VIDEO
- red band 8-20 reps slow
- 101) Wall Plank Walkout Overhead Progression VIDEO
- leg lifts or single arm holds 30-90sec
- 123.1) TRX Reverse SidePlank VIDEO
- this was the most different right compared to the left
- 121.2) Band 3 Positions PNF D1 Variations VIDEO
- 117) Standing Band External Rotation VIDEO
- squat variations
- TRX row
- 93.3) Floor Push Ups Wide to Close VIDEO
- 109.4) Incline Bench and Standing Cable Curl VIDEO
- 73) Standing Tricep Extension Band VIDEO
- 81) Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO OR 83) Bear Mountain Climber Speed VIDEO
- substitution;
- 74) Table Top Progression VIDEO
- 123.1) Feet Apart Hip Abduction Raise Small Range VIDEO
- 181.3) Walking Carry VIDEO
- 11-6 Update
- Daily Movements
- Chin Tuck with Side Bending VIDEO
- 14) Tall Kneel with Scapular Depression/Retraction VIDEO
- 1.1) Self 1st Rib/AC Joint Mobilization VIDEO
- focus on going to the L
- 31.1) Hands Elevated Variation VIDEO
- 123.1) Feet Apart Hip Abduction Raise Small Range VIDEO
- 51) Prone Cervical and Scapula Positioning Drill VIDEO
- Work on this for gradually longer periods of time holding head in the air
- Daily Movements
- 8-10 update
- Neck sequence
- N-1A Chin Tuck with Side Bending VIDEO
- focus to the left
- N-16 Shoulder Wall Ball Multiple Positions VIDEO
- End of the vido up the wall 2 hands
- Foam roll across the mid back 3 places with overhead shoulder flexion holding stick 10x each spot
- Band over the 1st rib with neck rotation
- N-1A Chin Tuck with Side Bending VIDEO
- H-46J Single Leg Deadlift with Rotation VIDEO
- Neck sequence
- 6-2 Update
- Band self hip mobilization
- Shoulder suggestions
- 2-2 Update
- Foot movements
- A-16A Seated Ankle Inversion VIDEO
- A-40A Tibialis Posterior Seated Sweep VIDEO
- A-50 Sagittal Plane Stability VIDEO
- focus on foot and big toe pressure, may put a small wedge under the first to toes to invert foot slightly
- Strength/cardio circuit: 1 min each station
- H-46I Single Leg Deadlift VIDEO
- Quicker follow through from bent over position
- H-28 Bear->Bear Crawl Scapula & Trunk Coordination VIDEO
- H-46F Band Extension Deadlift VIDEO
- you did more of a squat with knees bent and row instead of straight arms but this movement in the video works as well
- Lunge walk with weight in one hand 5-10 lbs, long stride instead of deep knee bend
- keep shoulders and trunk upright, don’t lean forward
- H-28C Bear Hip Extension->Mountain Climber VIDEO
- 2 towels under feet
- H-46I Single Leg Deadlift VIDEO
- Foot movements
- 1-12 Update
- New Mobility Sequence 10x for each
- H-30D Hamstring Isometric Standing/1/2 Kneel VIDEO
- front foot far out in front
- H-45I Anterior Lunge with Overhead Reach VIDEO
- H-48C1-Standing Adductor Isometric VIDEO
- H-15B Standing Adductor and QL/Lat Stretch VIDEO
- On one knee quad stretch with foot prpped up on chair behind you VIDEO COMING SOON
- H-48C Side Sit to Side Plank VIDEO
- H-30D Hamstring Isometric Standing/1/2 Kneel VIDEO
- Strength
- Focus on heelriase progression and bosu balance everyother day
- Ice after if sore 10-15min
- Heel Raise Progression at Wall
- Bosu Balance Progression
- New Mobility Sequence 10x for each
- 11-11 Update: New Circuit for strength
- 10-12 Update
- Light Stuff to complete daily: 10-20 reps of each and can be completed 2-3x/day
- Strengthening Circuit 10-20 reps of each, second time through the circuit 1/2 as many reps. Once you get to 20 reps increase to the next phase of that exercise
- Circuit #1
- Bear Variations
- Lunge Variations
- Single Leg Balance Progression: Focus on Big Toe Pressure
- Circuit#2: Isolated posterior chain activation with no tension in the low back, 10-20reps with each
- H-30 Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- Glute max isolation
- Gluteus Medius Activation (Pick one)
- Calf Strength
- Heel Raise Progression at Wall (Pick one)
- H-30 Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- Circuit #3: Developmental Sequence: Transitional Movements Page
- Progress to 5- 20reps of each
- Try each developmental milestone that coordinates hip and core strength
- Circuit #1