- Information from Staff/Team
- Knee Arthritis a significant issue: Build strength with squats or other movements
- Avoding shoulder injuries
- Current Structure:
- Warm Up
- 28 min paddle ergs
- Core (self.com)
- incorporate balance hip stability
- Strength 3 days: Total body
- Cover squat variations: knee friendly
- deadlift/single leg deadlift
- push pull concepts
- Periodization
- Prep: Nov-Jan
- sport specific prep Dec-March
- Pre com March-may
- Comp May-August
- Transition sept-oct
- Current Program Goals
- Proper form technique before adding load
- Challenges
- Avoiding irritation of injuries
- Preveting overuse injuries from paddling
- Organization
- Brief intro who I am and my background
- Discussion of some concepts that are important to various aspects of the body
- Erg abbreviated 5-10 minutes
- Warm Up specifics
- concepts with group paticipation
- cover core stabilization concepts with group participation and progressions
- Basic for movement progressions
- hip/ Knee stability
- Squat regressions/progression
- lunge variations
- deadlift concepts