Hello Richard
- Below are a few movements I would like you to try in regards to your hip and shoulder pain. When doing these movements it is ok to feel pulling or slight discomfort as long as you are not experiencing an increase in pain during the movement or an increase in pain afterwards. I usually find this can be the hardest hurdle to get over for most patients. Doing nothing doesn’t help the situation, but doing too much may cause more harm. We are looking for that happy medium where you feel pulling, muscle fatigue without significant increase in pain. You can do the movements below multiple times a day as you are able
- Movement#1: Easy movement For shoulders that can be done alot throughout the day
- Everyone rounds forward during the day and having an easy movement to take the pressure of can be really beneficial
- 8-15x holding each 3-5seconds
- Movement #2: Hip Extension
- Similar to the movement above, we get tight in the front of our hip just like we tend to get tight in the front of the shoulders. Below are a couple easy options to stretch the front of the thigh. Stick with what feels most comfortable and works best for you
- 8-15x
- Option #1: Lying on back at edge of a couch
- Option #2: Seated
- Movement #3: Strengthening for your Glute: 2 options, you chosse the one that works best
- This can be done 1x/day
- try for 5-15 reps
- Option #1: Over bed leg lift
- Option #2: Bridge on your back
- Movement #4: Shoulder Strength: Can be done with a band on lying on your stomach
- 1x/day
- Try for 8-15 reps
- band option
- On stomach off side of bed option