- This phase will ideally progress to strengthening into an upright position
- This includes progressing overhead endurance and progression into hip extension, both of which are required to decrease the load on the spine when you are standing
- It is really important in this phase to be very conscious of maintaining abdominal control to avoid excessive spinal pressure/pain.
- Move very slowly into these motions so that you are able to maintain the desired abdominal control and stop just short of pain
- Once again, if you have increased pain with any of the movements, email me and I will make some adjustments
- A new strength sequence will be added along with optional progression as previous movements become easier
- The daily movements should continue to be done 10-15x one set or as specified under each exercise below
- Changes/updates will be in bold, I will give you some alternative positions to try that you may feel are more effective then the movement you were currently doing
- The strength circuits: First set the goal will be 8-20 reps or 30-90sec, 2nd time through the circuit you will do 1/2 as many reps/time as you did during the first set
- Strength sequence should be done 3-4 days per week
- Changes will be in bold
- Daily Sequence
- Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO
- Make sure you maintain abdominal control and do not lift the back leg too high
- 10-15 reps
- Basics of Pelvic Control Pre- Bear Position VIDEO
- Incorporate this concept in the bear with the leg lift, holding each leg lift 5 sec, alternating legs, 30-90sec, video below
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Shoulder Extension/Internal Rotation Bridge VIDEO
- This combines shoulder mobility, quad stretch, light glute activation
- 10-15 reps slow and controlled
- Step Knee Flexion Intro VIDEO
- Exaggerates the running stride
- Make sure foot on the ground is straight and you maintain some lower abdominal tension
- 10-15reps each leg
- NEW: 1/2 Kneel Post Isometric with Hip Flexor Stretch VIDEO
- Progress to the movement below as able
- Deep Neck Flexor with Thoracic Extension Seated and Foam Roll VIDEO
- Can be done seated or lying on a foam roll as depicted
- In place of a foam roll, a yoga mat or thick towel roll will work
- 10-15 reps
- The chin tuck can be awkward, see video below for more instruction
- NEW: Hands Elevated Childs pose Variation VIDEO
- Progresses Thoracic ext with abdominal control…keep that chin tucked
- Tall Kneel with Scapular Depression/Retraction VIDEO
- Be careful to not feel any pain in the lower back
- If you do, email me and I will try to adjust the movement as needed
- 10-15reps
- Quadruped Hip Extension progression VIDEO
- Strength Circuit #1
- Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 8-20 reps slow
- Phase 2 option
- With either…should feel no back pain
- You do not need to lift really high, more about feeling tired in back of thigh but keep abdominal control so back does not arch
- Lying Down Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- Choose a weight that is challenging and lower slowly into the overhead postion
- Goal 8-20 reps, if you get to 20, increase the weight and drop the reps
- 1/2 Kneel to Low Lunge VIDEO
- Focus on not arching the low back
- Lean forward as much as needed to keep pain out of low back and pull in front of thigh/hip
- 8-20 reps hold each 5 sec
- NEW: Anterior Lunge with Overhead Reach VIDEO
- May progress to the lunge above with overhead reach as shown in this video as able
- Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- Strength Circuit #2
- Reverse Lunge Towel Slide VIDEO
- Make sure you keep stomach engaged as you press back toe into the floor as you pull forward
- 8-20 reps each leg
- Phase 1:Side Sit with Rotation and Glute Isometric VIDEO
- Glute activation into a stretch
- Typically this area gets tight
- Rather then just pulling at it, you accomplish more if you can activate it in a stretch position
- Phase 2:Side Sit Transition to Quadruped VIDEO
- Goal 8-20 reps slow and controlled, better to do less reps slow and controlled
- Single Leg Balance Progression
- progresses into gradually more challenging single leg endurance positions
- Goal is min 30 sec max 2 minutes, if you get to 2 minutes you are ready to progress to the next movement
- Phase 1:Counter to Wall Single Leg VIDEO
- Phase 2:Two Posts Four Point to Single Leg VIDEO
- Phase 3:Pre Run/Walk Single Leg Balance Drill VIDEO
- Phase 4: Pre Run/Walk Band Resisted Stride Drill VIDEO
- Phase 5 Band Press Holds Single Leg Progression VIDEO
- Let me know if you need bands and I can give you some or you can get some at any Dicks/target
- Bent Over Box Row VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- Can progress to
- Plank Row/Reverse Fly VIDEO
- Really focus on abdominal control
- If too difficult on ground, can take hands onto a higher surface like infront of a flight of stairs or can drop onto knees instead of toes
- Plank Row/Reverse Fly VIDEO
- Reverse Lunge Towel Slide VIDEO