Feels increase in walking may have contributed to increase in foot pain
Focused on non weight bearing exercises
Pain is localized to the ball of the foot and some in the heel and achilles feeling somewhat bruised
My reply
Some of the pain in the bottom of the foot could be plantarfascia
As I continue to reflect on your symptoms and limitations, your greatest limitation is still a lack of gastroc/calf strength
I am glad you are progressing with hip strength and I may add a few others in that department
The focus now is progressing from the band which seems to be fine to a continuum of loading that progressing more towards supporting your body weight which is much more then a resistance band. I think the leg press, beginning with the holds an then progressing to small heelraises in a short range progressing to single leg when able is the next step in the process
Slow and controlled rolling with a thoracolumbar stretch in between each
Tightness in the low back can often contribute to the achilles sensitivity so I like to include some lateral trunk stability which we will start off with in a non-weight bearing position