All the same rules apply as we enter week 2 in regards to what you should feel and what you should not
This week the movements will get a little more challenging, so the first time you attempt a new movement…error on the side of caution. Let it be too easy as opposed to too hard. You can always push it a little farther the next time you do it
This week we will separate out strength movements from daily movements
Daily movements will be mostly the stuff that you did week 1
These can be done 1-2x per day
Should be used as a warm up or cool down as your activity level increases
Should not be incredibly challenging
Strength circuits will be designed to challenge you and should be done every other day
The goal with each movement will be for time (30sec-2 min) or reps (5-20reps)
You are trying to push yourself to some amount of fatigue without necessarily increasing pain
Initially in doing some of these movements, pain may be what happens as you get fatigued, that is your cue to stop
Ideally the more you do this stuff, and you stop short of significant pain, the pain will become less and less and you will feel more muscle fatigue and less pain