Home » RMS: Achilles Tendinopathy: Week 3 (1-22-18)
Email follow up
New exercises caused no problems/soreness
Heelraise Loading: Chose to do against wall versus steps
H/o increased pain with heelraise edge of step even though not painful during exercise
Bear push off to plank pain the next day
Pain has gone away but reluctant to try exercise again
Did Downward Dog instead
I am taking this movement out
You are already working on hamstring and calf flex with some other movements
I am going to replace it for something for your glute
My reply
Continue to monitor your symptoms right after and the following day. If symptoms are greater then a 4-5/10 then something needs to be adjusted
I know you have done heelraises in the past as it is likely the most common exercise you can do for this
The movements that I show in the loading progression are meant to load the calf with the least amount of achilles discomfort
Over this week I want to know where you get to in that loading progression
This begins with an isometric in mid range
I would stick with increasing endurance in that isometric position
Use ice immediately after to minimize the risk of pain/soreness the following day
Another pain relieving option I want to include is kinesiotape
Below is the sequence for week 3 with some adjustments and advancements built in as able
Do them as listed below
Monday: Daily + Strength Circuit #1(2 sets, second set do 1/2 as many reps or time as first set, so if you hold the iso heelraise for 90sec, second time through circuit you hold it for 45sec)
Tuesday: Daily
Wednesday: Daily +Strength Circuit #2 (2 sets, 1/2 as many reps second set)
Thursday: Daily Sequence
Friday: Daily + Circuit 1 and Circuit #2( 1 set of all exercises)
Saturday: Daily
Sunday: Rest and email me
Daily Sequence
use a tennis ball or lacrosse ball
Hit 2-3 spots on the calf, NOT ON THE TENDON for 30to 60sec
Band Plantarflexion/Gastroc Activation VIDEO
There are a variety of band resistances
Try to start with something that allows you to get through as much ROM as possible
If you have significant pain with any motion, try to start with just an isometric hold for 30sec-2 minutes
If you are able go through as much range as possible with minimal pain, go really slow on the negative 4-5 sec as you slowly load into the stretch
Self MFR Hamstring VIDEO
Hamstring Isometric with Contralateral Leg Raise VIDEO
This can be done with an exercise ball of feet up on couch/chair
Try not to push directly onto heel as it is likely tender
Push more so into the calf
hold each 5sec, 8-20 reps
Cross Leg Contract Relax Posterior Hip VIDEO
This is to activate the posterolateral glute in a lengthened position
This will be important as we progress into single leg stance
Hold each 5 seconds and complete 8-15 reps each leg
Strength Circuit #1
Heelraise Loading Overview Isometric to Increased Range VIDEO
This outlines a very specific loading progression for your achilles
I am very interested to know as you progress, at what point you experience pain
Really try to keep the feeling in the calf
Goal is 30sec to 2 min as I discuss in the video
It provides 3 positional options so you should be able to find one that fits
Band Around Knees Bridge Progression VIDEO
Keep tension in the stomach as you raise up
8-20 reps slow and controlled
If you have any knee pain bend your knees less as discussed in the video
Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
30sec to 2 min is the goal
You can keep the band around your knees with this one as well similar to the bridge
Strength Circuit #2
Supine Clamshell VIDEO
band around knees, maintain constant tension
Do for time 1-2 minutes, progressing to harder bands as needed
If this is too easy, let me know and I will introduce some harder options
Lunge Knee Position Intro with Progression to Pre Single Leg Stance VIDEO
Gives you some insight into progression into single leg stance
Use a mirror if able to monitor shoulder position
Attempt to work into a 5 sec pause in single leg stance as able
Goal 8-20 reps
Bridge Progression Physio Ball (progress carefully)