Some confusion over judging pain symptoms and exercise
Pain is not the best marker, but it is all we have in regards to conveying to an individual what is helpful versus feeding into making the problem worse
Given the amount of time you have had pain, your brain starts to have a more difficult time truely sensing what is happening in your achilles or where it attaches, especially given the more recent trauma to it with the procedures you have had that seem to have worsened your symptoms
A couple important points in regards to pain
One resource I want you to check out is a quick tutorial that explains the pain process
If your pain is constantly at a 7/10 or higher, you should not be doing any weight bearing exercise
I will discuss your case with Dr. Rothenberg, but pain that high, the most important intervention is removing activities or movements that increase pain
Even if I give you the best rehab program of all time, it won’t matter if every time you step onto that foot it hurts that bad
Taping was one option to reduce the load on the tendon, but it sounds like that is not quite doing the trick
I am not sure what your recent history has included in regards to using a walking boot
If the pressure is removed, that area should calm down
Let’s see how you do this week with less weight bearing and focus on increasing endurance with the band
Really try your best to avoid stuff that hurts this week
That includes your daily life
If standing and walking hurts it, try to minimize the amount you have to do it