- Week 3
- Organization
- Tuesday: daily Movements
- Wednesday: daily + strength Circuit #1 (2x through the circuit)
- Thursday: Daily
- Friday: Daily + Strength Circuit #2 (2x through the circuit….ice after)
- Saturday: Daily
- Sunday: Daily + Strength Circuit #1 and #2( 1x through each)
- This week we will continue to progress upper extremity strength, specifically trying to identify movements that feel weaker in the problematic upper extremity
- I recommend that all single arm movements be done on both arms to attempt to assess if one arm is much weaker then the other
- You will continue to do the daily movements with incorporation of a couple alternative positions to try
- The goal with the daily sequence is to establish a sequence of 4-5 movements that you do daily to move areas of your body that typically don’t move enough during our day
- As new options are introduced you want to pick and choose the movements that you feel are most beneficial
- Judge that based on movements that feel really tight or movements that feel good/ pull on areas that typically feel tight/uncomfortable
- Strength Circuits
- These will begin to get more challenging, so be careful with all newer movements
- Each exercise will have a goal for time or for a certain number of reps
- If you achieve the goal, you are probably ready to increase the resistance or the challenge
- For example: I usually give a range of 8-20 reps for an exercise, if you get to 20 reps, you are probably ready to increase the weight and start back at 8-10 reps again gradually working your way up to 20 reps
- Make sure you don’t rush it and end up increasing pain
- IDEALLY: You should feel fatigue in muscle with very little to no tendon pain
- If you are getting tendon pain, you want to adjust the parameters of the exercise to see if you can keep it less painful
- This could be less weight, going through less motion, doing less reps
- Try the strength sequence every other day
- Kinesiotape may be helpful in reducing pain as we go through this process. Below is a video of a kinesiotape option that patients have reported to provide pain relief as we are in the process of strengthening the muscle tendon unit
- Organization
- Daily Sequence
- 11.2) Shoulder Extension Wrist Flexion Pillowcase VIDEO
- 30-90sec
- This can be done frequently throughout day, never holding the stretch
- Can be done without pillowcase as well
- Can be done 5-10x per day LIGHTLY, don’t over stretch
- 111) Off Edge of Bed VIDEO
- 8-20 reps hold each 5 sec
- Pay attention to keeping shoulder back and down
- 17) Bridge with Pec Stretch to Reach Behind Back VIDEO
- Make sure you have good abdominal tension first
- email me if this causes any back pain or elbow
- 8-20reps
- 31.1) Hands Elevated Childs Pose Variation VIDEO
- 8-20reps
- Once again email me with any specific issues
- 12.1) Wrist Extension Dive Self Mobilization VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- Should not put ant tension on the lateral elbow, but is meant to make sure limitation in ability to extend your wrist is not part of the problem
- If this feels kind of easy, a more challenging position can be found below
- 12) Wrist Extension with Elbow Extension Stretch VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- With this one I specifically want to know if you notice a difference in the painful side being more or less tight
- 12) Wrist Extension with Elbow Extension Stretch VIDEO
- Strength Circuit#1
- 52.1) Hammer Pronation/Supination VIDEO
- Follow the instruction of go into preferred direction first and only the the lowering portion of the more painful direction
- 8-20reps
- Tricep Extension with Band VIDEO
- 8-20 reps slow
- If using Therabands: start with red, then progress to green, then blue, then black as able
- 109.1) Mulligan Wrist Extensor Loading VIDEO
- Begins to directly load the lateral elbow lightly
- follow instructions in video as endurance being more of the goal 30sec-2 min
- Once you are able to obtain 2 minutes just making a fist, you can progress to light active wrist extension while making fist
- Phase 2: Leave the doorway and gradually progress into a lengthened position and increased wrist motion to incorporation of a weight
- 109) Wrist Extensor Loading Progression VIDEO
- Start with 1-2 minutes of active motion
- Once 2 minutes is achieved, try progressing to a straight elbow
- Then progress to a weight of 1 lb with elbow bent
- 109) Wrist Extensor Loading Progression VIDEO
- 52.1) Hammer Pronation/Supination VIDEO
- Strength Circuit #2
- 92) Full Can/Scaption Supraspinatus VIDEO
- Start with no weight
- 5-20reps
- progress to 1lb or soup can
- Working up from 5 to 20reps
- Start with no weight
- 96.2) Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- same as above, no weight and gradually progressing to light weight
- 85) Scapular Control with Weight Shift Side Plank Progression VIDEO
- Begin with 5 sec holds on each arm for 5-20reps
- Compare is one arm much weaker
- 92) Full Can/Scaption Supraspinatus VIDEO
- 11.2) Shoulder Extension Wrist Flexion Pillowcase VIDEO