Reports some concern that after the exercises the pain returns to being the same it was prior to the movements
This week will include some single arm movements highlighted below in bold
I would like to know specifically which movements reproduce pain or feel much weaker on the problematic arm
You will see in bold:
Please let me know specifically how these feel
Monday: daily movements
Tuesday: daily Movements + strength Circuit #1 (2x through the circuit)
Wednesday: daily
Thursday: Daily + Strength Circuit #2 (2x through the circuit….ice after)
Friday: Daily
Saturday: Daily + Strength Circuit #1 and #2( 1x through each)
Sunday: Daily
This week we will continue to progress upper extremity strength, specifically trying to identify movements that feel weaker in the problematic upper extremity
I recommend that all single arm movements be done on both arms to attempt to assess if one arm is much weaker then the other
You will continue to do the daily movements with incorporation of a couple alternative positions to try
The goal with the daily sequence is to establish a sequence of 4-5 movements that you do daily to move areas of your body that typically don’t move enough during our day
As new options are introduced you want to pick and choose the movements that you feel are most beneficial
Judge that based on movements that feel really tight or movements that feel good/ pull on areas that typically feel tight/uncomfortable
Strength Circuits
These will begin to get more challenging, so be careful with all newer movements
Each exercise will have a goal for time or for a certain number of reps
If you achieve the goal, you are probably ready to increase the resistance or the challenge
For example: I usually give a range of 8-20 reps for an exercise, if you get to 20 reps, you are probably ready to increase the weight and start back at 8-10 reps again gradually working your way up to 20 reps
Make sure you don’t rush it and end up increasing pain
IDEALLY: You should feel fatigue in muscle with very little to no tendon pain
If you are getting tendon pain, you want to adjust the parameters of the exercise to see if you can keep it less painful
This could be less weight, going through less motion, doing less reps
Try the strength sequence every other day
Kinesiotape may be helpful in reducing pain as we go through this process. Below is a video of a kinesiotape option that patients have reported to provide pain relief as we are in the process of strengthening the muscle tendon unit