- 8-12 Update to improve hip flexion
- H-5A Kneeling Hip Flexor and Hamstring Stretch VIDEO
- H-35 Abdominal Control With Hamstring Curl Phase 2 VIDEO
- make sure you set hips and feet up slightly out to side and slight toe out
- H-46 Upper Body Assisted Squat VIDEO
- Mobility: To be completed daily, 10-20 reps of each 1-3x/day
- On your stomach press up
- Step Hip Extension with Push Off Progression (Pick one)
- L-14 Cross Leg Contract Relax Posterior Hip VIDEO
- L-11 Hip ER/IR With Knee Flexed Laying On Back VIDEO
- complete with a ball under the buttock of the bent knee that is rocking
- Strength: 10-20 reps of each, 2nd set do 1/2 as many reps as first set
- Circuit #1:
- Bridge Progression Physio Ball: you are doing L-38 now
- L-36 Isometric Co-activation Abdominal/Glute Phase 1 VIDEO
- L-37 Abdominal Control With Hamstring Curl Phase 2 VIDEO
- L-38 Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- L-39 Double Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 4 VIDEO
- L-40 Single Leg Bridge Phase 5 VIDEO
- L-41 Single Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 6 VIDEO
- On Your Back Feet Resting on Physio Ball VIDEO
- You can do each part but I showed you the leg lift part of this video
- Plank Knee to Chest and Hip Extension Progression: you are doing L-26 now
- Single Leg Balance Progression: you are doing L-56 now
- Bridge Progression Physio Ball: you are doing L-38 now
- Circuit #1: