- Primary Complaints
- Patient reports symptoms localized to proximal hamstring with possible contribution of the adductor origin medially
- Symptoms increase with deeper ranges of squatting and any attempt to return to quicker movements specific to running
- Important Program Information LINK
- This week the focus will be on adding one movement each day to assess your body’s response to activating distinct muscle groups
- This week is meant to be easy and is meant as more of a test to identify missing links in the system and your ability to isolate activation of specific muscle groups
- Each day a new movement will be added to successfully isolate your body’s response to each movement
- Each movement should be done for 8-20reps or 30-90sec as specified
- You should stop each movement when you have either reached the max rep/time, at onset of pain, or if you start to develop moderate fatigue
- If you get to a movement that is painful during the exercise or you ave significant pain the following day, hold on that movement in the next circuit progression
- Goals: activate the glute max and med without over activating lumbar paraspinals
- Assess ability to load hamstring mid range
- Assess loading capacity for adductor
- Assess loading of hip flexor with co contraction of abdominals progressing gradually into a lengthened or stretch position
- Day 1:
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- May progress to straight leg lift, hold each for 5 sec and then lower back to toe touching floor
- 8-20 reps slow, each leg
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- Day 2:
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- May progress to straight leg lift, hold each for 5 sec and then lower back to toe touching floor
- 8-20 reps slow, each leg
- Basics of Pelvic Control Pre- Bear Position VIDEO
- Incorporate this concept in the bear with the leg lift, holding each leg lift 5 sec, alternating legs, 30-90sec, video below
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- Day 3:
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- May progress to straight leg lift, hold each for 5 sec and then lower back to toe touching floor
- 8-20 reps slow, each leg
- Basics of Pelvic Control Pre- Bear Position VIDEO
- Incorporate this concept in the bear with the leg lift, holding each leg lift 5 sec, alternating legs, 30-90sec, video below
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Shoulder Extension/Internal Rotation Bridge VIDEO
- This combines shoulder mobility, quad stretch, light glute activation
- 8-20 reps slow and controlled
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- Day 4:
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- May progress to straight leg lift, hold each for 5 sec and then lower back to toe touching floor
- 8-20 reps slow, each leg
- Basics of Pelvic Control Pre- Bear Position VIDEO
- Incorporate this concept in the bear with the leg lift, holding each leg lift 5 sec, alternating legs, 30-90sec, video below
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Shoulder Extension/Internal Rotation Bridge VIDEO
- This combines shoulder mobility, quad stretch, light glute activation
- 8-20 reps slow and controlled
- Adductor Activation
- You can try which ever movement below allows you to feel the inner thigh flex without an increase in pain. Try both and choose the movement that feels most beneficial/effective
- Phase 1: Supine adductor Isometric VIDEO
- Phase 2: Standing Adductor Isometric VIDEO
- 8-20reps hold each rep for 5 seconds
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- Day 5:
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- May progress to straight leg lift, hold each for 5 sec and then lower back to toe touching floor
- 8-20 reps slow, each leg
- Basics of Pelvic Control Pre- Bear Position VIDEO
- Incorporate this concept in the bear with the leg lift, holding each leg lift 5 sec, alternating legs, 30-90sec, video below
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Shoulder Extension/Internal Rotation Bridge VIDEO
- This combines shoulder mobility, quad stretch, light glute activation
- 8-20 reps slow and controlled
- Adductor Activation
- You can try which ever movement below allows you to feel the inner thigh flex without an increase in pain. Try both and choose the movement that feels most beneficial/effective
- Phase 1: Supine adductor Isometric VIDEO
- Phase 2: Standing Adductor Isometric VIDEO
- 8-20reps hold each rep for 5 seconds
- Ball Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 8-20 reps with 5 sec hold
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- Day 6:
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- May progress to straight leg lift, hold each for 5 sec and then lower back to toe touching floor
- 8-20 reps slow, each leg
- Basics of Pelvic Control Pre- Bear Position VIDEO
- Incorporate this concept in the bear with the leg lift, holding each leg lift 5 sec, alternating legs, 30-90sec, video below
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Shoulder Extension/Internal Rotation Bridge VIDEO
- This combines shoulder mobility, quad stretch, light glute activation
- 8-20 reps slow and controlled
- Adductor Activation
- You can try which ever movement below allows you to feel the inner thigh flex without an increase in pain. Try both and choose the movement that feels most beneficial/effective
- Phase 1: Supine adductor Isometric VIDEO
- Phase 2: Standing Adductor Isometric VIDEO
- 8-20reps hold each rep for 5 seconds
- Ball Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- 8-20 reps with 5 sec hold
- Side Sit with Rotation and Glute Isometric VIDEO
- This movement attempts to activate the glute from a stretch
- If there is any reproduction of pain or discomfort in the groin stop the movement unless you feel it gets better as you do it
- Quadruped with Physio Ball Hip Extension VIDEO
- Day 7
- Rest and contact me with your feedback from this week’s test sequence