- Week 2
- Goals this week are to expend on your current program
- I am going to try to mix in some movements that address some of the symptoms you are having in the groin and the lower back.
- Let me know how you feel with each new movement
- Movement #1: New: Self Stabilization technique to reduce groin pain: Knee to chest isometric
- Hold each 5 sec and repeat 5-10x each leg
- Movement #2: Quadruped self traction
- 8-15 reps slowly
- 2-4x/day
- Does the pain in the groin or back improve following doing the movement above
- Alternate Position if you have a thicker band
- Movement #3: Self Myofascial Release hip flexor/quad
- Try the movement below to reduce quad/hip flexor pain
- Recheck rocking above to see if the movements in the video help
- Movement #4: Quadruped hip ext slide
- basics of engaging your hip while maintaining abdominal control
- 5-10 slowly each leg
- 2-4x/day
- Movement #5: Step Lunge
- Progressing into greater amount of hip extension while maintaining a neutral lumbopelvic position
- 8-15 reps each leg slow
- 2-4x/day
- Alternate option is similar to above but the rear foot slides instead as seen below