In this process it is common to have flare ups or increase in symptoms
That can happen as we test the limits with movements that challenge your body or as a result of the stresses of daily life
When these occur you always revert back to 2-3 movements that feel the most comfortable
You stick with those for 2-3days until things calm down
When things calm down, you want to do a self assessment to determine which movements are most threatening or sensitive
Movement #1
From what you have told me I gather the following
The knee to chest/bridge seems like it causes some pain and I have not read any positive benefits form this so I say we ditch this for now
Movement #2: Quadruped self traction
Make sure you are staying short of groin pain with this one
The movement below is an alternative to reduce the compression of the hip by moving hands out in front further
8-15 reps slowly
Does the pain in the groin or back improve following doing the movement above
Alternate Position if you have a thicker band
Movement #3: Self Myofascial Release hip flexor/quad
Let’s keep this just make sure there is no significant pain in the back while doing it
Try the movement below to reduce quad/hip flexor pain
Recheck rocking above to see if the movements in the video help
Movement #4: Quadruped hip ext slide
This is still good, but if painful then only slide the leg that is least painful
basics of engaging your hip while maintaining abdominal control
5-10 slowly each leg
Movement #5: Step Lunge
This also seems fine, stick with the option that is least painful
Progressing into greater amount of hip extension while maintaining a neutral lumbopelvic position
8-15 reps each leg slow
Alternate option is similar to above but the rear foot slides instead as seen below
Movement #6: Abdominal Activation at Wall/counter
5-10 reps each side
If one side is painful only do the less painful side
This is another option to engage your glute
I like this one because it can usually be done throughout the day
Do not move the leg into a painful range, this is more about the leg that is on the ground, focus on keeping your back stable
Important questions this week
Do any of these movements feel more helpful then others in reducing pain or tension
Do any feel really uncomfortable or painful
What movements are most painful: For example: When I am in the office, a patient may have pain with standing and bending forward and they say this movement reproduces my back pain…In between each movement I give them I may have them bend forward just to see if what we did made their ability to bend forward better, worse, or the same…Try to pick a movement that reproduces pain…do an exercise…recheck that movement. Let me know how that movement was impacted by that exercsie, specifically better, worse, or the same