- Background Information on How This Works (Click Link)
- Phase 1:
- Movements are meant to be light and short of pain
- Do each 10-20 reps, once you get 20 reps that are pain free and not challenging you may increase resistance or progress to a harder version of the current exercise
- Complete this circuit 1x/day and ice afterwards 10-15minutes
- Circuit:
- Shoulder Extension Mobility Post->AROM Bilateral Post->Strength Table Top VIDEO
- This can be completed multiple times per day in addition to being part of this circuit
- Downward Dog Progression From Higher Level to Floor VIDEO
- This can be completed multiple times per day in addition to being a part of this circuit
- If there is any residual soreness the next day after completing the following movements begin by doing them every other day until the next day soreness is no longer present
- Full Can/Scaption Supraspinatus VIDEO
- Prone “I” Latissimus VIDEO
- This can also be completed one arm at a time off the side of a bed or couch
- Eccentric loading of wrist extensors VIDEO
- Seated with palm facing down off the edge of a table or arm rest
- The more straight/extended your elbow is typically increases the amount of strain/discomfort at the elbow
- Bend your elbow as much as needed to make exercise as pain free as possible
- extend wrist as high as possible short of pain, lower back down into flexed position taking 10 sec to reach the full palm down position
- Shoulder Extension Mobility Post->AROM Bilateral Post->Strength Table Top VIDEO
- Following one set of each exercise stopping at fatigue, increase in pain, or 20 reps,
- Transverse friction massage VIDEO
- finger tips pressing against the tender spot, massaging across with firm pressure, ice after 10-15 minutes
- Transverse friction massage VIDEO