- Phase 3
- Look for updates below in BOLD
- Daily Movements
- Complete 8-20reps 1-2x/day
- 10.1) Supine Wing ER Breathing VIDEO
- Light movement that will set us up for some posterior shoulder strengthening
- 31.1) Hands Elevated Variation VIDEO
- Progression of thoracic ext with muscle activation
- 53) Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- Do this carefully and gently
- Can be done in sitting as well and is typically helpful to complete lightly and frequently throughout the day
- If this feels fine you may want to try the seated version throughout the day seen below to break up seated postures for long periods
- 11.3) Pillow Case Active Shoulder Extension Hands Progress Closer VIDEO
- Make sure you don’t go too far too fast
- 2 Options to Improve Thoracic Rotation
- Strength Circuit
- Complete Every Other Day
- 8-20 reps
- Go through circuit 2-3x
- 68) Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- 30-90sec static holds
- 157) Band Extension Deadlift VIDEO
- Light band
- 8-20 reps
- 121.5) Supine Band Pull Apart VIDEO
- light band 8-20reps
- 91.2) Standing Band Chest Fly VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- 83.2) Ball Rollout Wall Block VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- Alternative Option