TG: L4-L5 disc herniation in a wrestler: SHOSA patient (2-19-19)

  • 6-19 Updates
    • Braces
    • For the next 2 weeks do the following
      • Lying on the right side: R arm under your head with towel between head and arm, top leg straight and bottom knee bent, reach top arm overhead as you take a deep breathe in….repeat this 5 -10x, then lay in that position 1-2 min, repaeat 2-3x
      • Rocking hands and knees…this can be done on both sides
      • Lying on stomach 1-2 minutes
      • Walking 2x/day
    • Phase 2: will begin at week 3
      • Do the above plus the bands every other day for a week
      • If that is fine the following week add the weighted pullover
      • If that is fine the following week add the slider on the right leg only
    • Phase 3: we will discuss
    • If you are feeling in phase even a little tightness or in phase 1 if you are still having pain: Try inversion table: Start 6-8 minute: 1min, come up for 30sec,: 10-15 minute max
  • 6-7 Updates below in BOLD
    • We discussed making sure you remain active but try to avoid any movements that you feel stress the low back in a painful way
    • We added a couple things to your daily list
      • Lying on the right side: R arm under your head with towel between head and arm, top leg straight and bottom knee bent, reach top arm overhead as you take a deep breathe in….repeat this 5 -10x, then lay in that position 1-2 min, repaeat 2-3x
      • slider on hands and knees: start off just doing it with your right leg 10-15x and maybe 5x with the left leg as that way is more painful
  • 5-9-19 Program Update Circuits/
    • Warm Up/ Daily Movements
    • Strength Circuits
      • Circut #1
      • Circuit #2
      • Circuit #3
  •  3-3-19
    • Hold on knee to chest and bridge and hold on leg lift over ball if painful, Try to add reach back over ball
  •  2-25-19
    • weight pullover
    • Knee to chest start with the left only and progress to the right when not painful
    • Bridge: only if able to do short of pinch
  •  2-19-19
    • Focus on light movements that improve symptoms
    • Movement #1: hands on chair rocking, 10-15 reps
    • Movement #2: Lying on stomach with pillow for 4-5 minutes
    • Movement #3: heelraise at wall, 2-3x per day, 10-15 reps
    • Movement #4: Leg lift over bed/table or ball/ottoman
      • If this is increasing pain, stop doing it
      • Try for 5-10 reps alternating legs