- 11-28 Program Update
- Transition back to wrestling and functional lifting
- Continue to do the daily sequence below everyday
- This update with start to progress back into functional gym related lifts and increased drilling in practice
- Wrestling Practice
- Able to participate in conditioning, light drilling
- When the guys are wrestling live I would like him to go through the strength circuits below. i will include 2 circuits so he can alternate each day
- Circuit #1: complete each station for 30 sec-45sec
- Medball squat and press throw up to wall (Wall ball)
- Band Pulls with band hanging on pull up bar
- Walking lunge holding medball or sand bag overhead
- Bar hang Pull up bar Knees to chest or hang from pull up bar
- Band over neck deadlifts
- Circuit #2
- 82) Bear Up Wall to Hand Stand VIDEO
- Sand bag or med ball from ground lift over head
- Push Ups
- med ball slams
- hold band at pull up bar single leg squats
- 152.2) Single Leg Squat TRX->BOSU->Floor VIDEO
- instead of TRX hold band attached to pull up bar
- 152.2) Single Leg Squat TRX->BOSU->Floor VIDEO
- Circuit #1: complete each station for 30 sec-45sec
- Weight Room workouts
- Day 1
- Bench press super set with Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- Bench try for reps 12, 10, 8……band pull apart for 45sec between each set
- Dumbbell standing shoulder press overhead super set with Ball Roll Out VIDEO
- same reps as above
- Lying on Weight Bench Pullover VIDEO super set with Full Can/Scaption Supraspinatus VIDEO
- Bear Hip Extension->Mountain Climber VIDEO
- One towel under foot
- Leg in the air 30-60sec each foot
- Double Leg Bridge Phase 3 VIDEO
- Progress to 117) Double Leg Bridge With Hamstring Curl Phase 4 VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- Over Ball on weight bench, reverse hyper extension 10-20rpes
- Bench press super set with Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- Day 2
- Deadlift super set with Band Horizontal Abduction VIDEO
- 12,10,8…….45sec each arm
- Goblet/Front Squat VIDEO super set with Plank knee to chest hip ext Floor Phase 4 VIDEO
- same as above
- Bent Over Box Row VIDEO super set with Side Step Band Progression VIDEO
- same as above
- Band Chops Down and Across VIDEO
- Green with stick 8-20 reps
- 181.3) Walking Carry VIDEO
- 30sec-2 minutes one arm at a time
- partner holds your feet, head off edge of weight bench
- keep chin down, hold 5sec, then 10sec, then 15 sec, then 20 sec and climb until you are fatgiued
- Deadlift super set with Band Horizontal Abduction VIDEO
- Day 1
- Daily Sequence
- Strength Circuits: 8-20 reps or 30-90sec, 1/2 as many reps or time for the second set
- Organization for week
- Strengthen 4 days/week: Do circuits 3 circuits each session
- #1
- #2
- #3
- #4
- 70) Chair/Step Height Phase 3 VIDEO
- 30-90sec
- 135) Row Band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- Green
- 185.3) Band Press Holds Single Leg Progression VIDEO
- Double red end of video
- 70) Chair/Step Height Phase 3 VIDEO
- #5
- #6
- 161) Reverse Lunge Towel Slide VIDEO
- 160) Reverse Lunge VIDEO
- No towel
- 90) Side Plank with Lateral Shift Progression VIDEO
- Progress to lower surface
- 94) Band Chops Down and Across VIDEO
- Green with stick
- 161) Reverse Lunge Towel Slide VIDEO
- #7
- 162) Single Leg Deadlift VIDEO
- 10-15lbs
- Band pulls with band attached to higher surface
- pull down to back leg and switch feet
- 30-90sec
- One knee drive across wrestling shot finish
- 30-90sec
- 162) Single Leg Deadlift VIDEO
- #8
- Wrestling Stance Direction Changes
- 30-90sec
- One knee Med Ball Overhead throws/slams
- 30-90sec on each knee
- Movement Sequence
- Reclined sit->side sit->Step the foot up and around(tripod)->Reach forward and stand up, reverse and go to the other side
- Wrestling Stance Direction Changes
- Organization for week