- Mobility
- S-2 Neck Rotation Self SNAG VIDEO
- do it to the R, resist L rotation with pillowcase 10-15x
- S-7 Sleeper Stretch->Behind Back with Towel->Reach Opposite Arm VIDEO
- end of Video the pull of the arm across the back
- S-2 Neck Rotation Self SNAG VIDEO
- Strength: 2 sets 10-20 reps, 2nd set 1/2 as many
- Circuit #1
- S-25 Laying on Back External Rotation Phase 1 VIDEO
- do it in standing with towel under elbow
- S-24 Scapular Control with Weight Shift Side Plank Progression VIDEO
- S-25 Laying on Back External Rotation Phase 1 VIDEO
- Circuit #2
- S-22 Row Band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- double green band
- S-23 Press band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- double green
- S-22 Row Band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- Circuit #3
- S-19 Band Extension Deadlift VIDEO
- blue
- S-21 Lying on Back Weight Pull Over and Band Pull Over VIDEO
- double green in one hand
- S-35 Full Can/Scaption Supraspinatus VIDEO
- 5lbs
- S-19 Band Extension Deadlift VIDEO
- Circuit #4
- S-27 Prone “T” Middle Trap VIDEO
- both hands at same time over a ball
- S-34 Bear->Bear Crawl Scapula & Trunk Coordination VIDEO
- Start in the bear like the video but then slowly raise hips up towards ceiling into down dog position
- S-27 Prone “T” Middle Trap VIDEO
- Circuit #1