South Hills Orthopaedics Sports Medicine & Physcial Therapy: Total Knee/Hip Replacement Instructions
Below you will find some videos of movements that will be beneficial at improving your hip/knee strength and mobility prior to surgery. Evidence has shown that doing physical therapy before surgery improves patient satisfaction and strength following surgery and it has been shown to shorten the recovery process following surgery.
When you are ready to start outpatient therapy
A few important points
The movements below are not meant to increase your pain.
It is ok to feel stretching, muscle fatigue, and/or slight discomfort
Any pain should should be mild, reduced with ice, and go away within 24 hours
If a movement is causing a significant increase in pain, that particular movement should be avoided or you may be able to reduce the pain by going through less motion or not pushing as hard.
They should be done gently.
Below you will find a list of basic movements that are safe and focus on light mobilization and muscle control which are two key components to improviong your ability to recover from surgery more quickly and effectively
These movements can be done every day 2-3x/day as they are meant to be easy and not require singificant set up or equipment
Below you will also find a list titled Over achiever movements
These movments are a little more demanding and should be done every other day
They are meant to challenge you but in a healthy way. That means make you tired or challenge your mobility but any soreness afterwards should be mild and gone the next day
You should not do these movement again until any soreness as completely subsided from doing them previously
Basic Movements
Movement #1: Seated Slide: Easy Position to maintain motion without pressure on the knee or hip
Can be done gently multiple times per day (4-5x)
Movement #2: Counter Rock Heel to Toe: Light stretch for the back of the legs and shoulders
Can be done gently multiple times per day (4-5x)
Movement #3: Hip Extension Pump: Movement to open up the front of the hip gently
Can be done gently multiple times per day (4-5x)
Over Achiever Movements
Movement #1: Bridge with emphasis on stretching the quad
8-15x, hold each 5 seconds
You should not feel this in the lower back, if you do don’t go as high or stop doing it
Movement #2: Hip extension leg lift leaning over edge of bed
8-15x, hold each in the air 5 sec
Movement #3: Seated quad isometric
8-15x hold each 5 sec
Do you best to push lightly to feel only muscle tension without singificant knee pain
Movement #4: Feet elevated into arm rest of couch, physio ball or pillows lying on your back