- Mobility Cervical
- Self MFR/Mobilization
- Sagittal Plane
- 2) Neck/Upper Back Flexion & Extension Hands behind Head VIDEO
- 2.1) TMJ Contract Relax Open/Close VIDEO
- 2.2) Seated Thoracic Flexion and Extension Full Range Deep Neck Flexor Update VIDEO
- 2.3 Kneeling Thoracic Flexion and Extension Full Range Update VIDEO
- 2.4) Pillowcase Seated Neck Extension with Maverick VIDEO
- Frontal/Transverse
- 3) Chin Tuck with Side Bending VIDEO
- 3.1) Upper Trap Stretch, Isometric, Combo VIDEO
- 3.2) Lateral isometric with Side Bend Progression VIDEO
- 4) Chin Tuck with Rotation VIDEO
- 5) Neck Rotation Self SNAG VIDEO
- 5.1) Self SNAG Supine VIDEO
- 5.2) Lateral Isometrics Neck 2 positions VIDEO
- 6) Neck Rotation Contract Relax VIDEO
- 6.1) Seated Scalene Stretch with Mandible Depression VIDEO
- Mobility Upper Extremity
- Self Myofascial Release
- Lower Body
- Sagittal
- Neural Glides
- Extension/Behind Back Progression
- 11) Shoulder Extension Mountain Pose VIDEO
- 11.1) Seated/Standing Self GH traction Extension VIDEO
- 11.2) Shoulder Extension Wrist Flexion Pillowcase VIDEO
- 11.3) Pillow Case Active Shoulder Extension Hands Progress Closer VIDEO
- 11.4) Green Strap Passive Shoulder Extension VIDEO
- 12) Wrist Extension with Elbow Extension Stretch VIDEO
- 12.1) Wrist Extension Dive Self Mobilization VIDEO
- 12.2) Green Strap Extension Adduction Behind Back VIDEO
- 12.3) Standing Behind the Back Self Stretch VIDEO
- Tall Kneel Variations
- 16) Shoulder Extension Mobility Post->AROM Bilateral Post->Strength Table Top VIDEO
- 17) Bridge with Pec Stretch to Reach Behind Back VIDEO
- 18) Shoulder Extension/Internal Rotation Bridge VIDEO
- 18.1) Supine and Standing Updated Isometric Shoulder Ext/Add/IR VIDEO
- Posterior Shoulder Mobilization
- 19) Posterior Shoulder Stretch Door Pull VIDEO
- 19.1) Doorway Cross Body Stretch VIDEO
- 19.2) Cross Leg Contract Relax Posterior Hip VIDEO
- 20) Side lying Low Load Long Duration Behind the Back Stretch VIDEO
- 21) Sleeper Stretch->Behind Back with Towel->Reach Opposite Arm VIDEO
- 21.1) Prone “L” Stretch Posterior Shoulder VIDEO
- 22) Maximum Pec and Posterior Capsule Stretch Combo VIDEO
- 23) Combined Flexion and Reach Behind Back Thoracic Mobility Bind Progression VIDEO
- 23.1) Door Pec to Cross Body Stretch VIDEO
- 23.2) Pec Isometric Progression into a Stretch VIDEO
- Overhead Progression
- 23.3) Posts seated Pec Stretch VIDEO
- 23.4) Post seated Pec and Cross Body Update VIDEO
- 23.5) Wall Slide with forward weight shift VIDEO
- 24) Supine Long Duration Pec Stretch VIDEO
- 25) Laying Down Humeral Depression with Progression to Pec Stretch VIDEO
- 26) Cross Leg Lower Trunk Rotation Pec Stretch VIDEO
- 27) Supine Active Shoulder External Rotation VIDEO
- 27.1) Cane ER AAROM to Long Duration Stretch VIDEO
- 28) Shoulder External Rotation at Neutral and 90deg with Isometric Internal Rotation VIDEO
- Childs Pose Variations
- 32.2) Single Arm Shoulder Flexion Hand on Counter VIDEO
- 33) Downward Dog Progression From Higher Level to Floor VIDEO
- 33.1) Rock Heel to Toe Counter Progression VIDEO
- 34) Bear to Plank Push Off Loading DNS VIDEO
- 35) Foam Roll Pec Stretch and Thoracic Extension VIDEO
- 35.1) Doorway/Corner Pec Stretch Pull Down VIDEO
- 36) Shoulder Flexion Laying->Wall Sit->Seated Against Wall VIDEO
- 36.1) Supine Foam Roll Thoracic Extension VIDEO
- 36.2) Shoulder Press at Door Frame Progression VIDEO
- 36.3) Standing Wall Climb Breathing and Pelvic Control VIDEO (9-26-18)
- 37) Shoulder Flexion Seated->Standing Back to Counter VIDEO
- 37.1) Standing Wall Climb Thoracic Extension/Shoulder Flexion VIDEO
- 37.2) Supine Shoulder Flexion to Abduction Clock VIDEO
- 38) 1/2 Kneel Anterior Lunge Single Arm Overhead Reach VIDEO
- 39) Anterior Lunge with Overhead Reach VIDEO
- 40) Supine Physio Ball Thoracic Ext Wheel Regression VIDEO
- 40.1) Physio Ball Back Bend Progression with Leg Lift VIDEO
- 40.2) SEATED cane overhead flexion in ER/Behind head ER VIDEO
- 40.3) Supine active shoulder flexion to abduction floor scrape VIDEO
- 41) Combined Flexion and Reach Behind Back Thoracic Mobility Bind Progression VIDEO
- Frontal/Transverse (Rotation and Sidebend Thoracic)
- Thoracic Rotation/Sidebend Options
- 41.1) Prone “L” Stretch Posterior Shoulder VIDEO
- 42) Sidelying Thoracolumbar Sidebend with Upper Extremity Abduction VIDEO
- 43) Side Sit Lat/Thoracolumbar Side Bending Over head Reach VIDEO
- 44) Standing Thoracic Rotation with Band Around Knees VIDEO
- 45) Static Anterior Lunge with Thoracic Rotation VIDEO
- 46) Side Lying Thoracolumbar Rotation Stretch VIDEO
- 46.1) Supine active shoulder flexion to abduction floor scrape VIDEO
- 47) Rolling with Side Lying Rotation VIDEO
- 47.1) 1/2 Kneel Trunk Rotation VIDEO
- Thoracic Rotation/Sidebend Options
- Combinations
- Strength
- 48) Developmental Sequence: Transitional Movements Page
- Schroth Breakout
- Isometrics/Postural Control/Spinal Stabilization
- 49) Activate the Core Without Pain VIDEO
- 49.1) 4 Way Shoulder Isometrics Doorway VIDEO
- 50) Abdominal Isometric at Counter/Desk VIDEO
- 50.1) Shoulder Extension Isometric at Wall VIDEO
- 50.11) Prone Chin Retraction to FP Plank on Knee VIDEO
- 51) Prone Cervical and Scapula Positioning Drill VIDEO
- 51.1) Humeral Head Depression at 90deg Abduction VIDEO
- 51.2) Cane Over Head Pull Apart Press Regression VIDEO
- 51.3) Standing Posts and Shelf/Sitting Press Down/Breathing VIDEO
- 51.4) Pec Isometric into a Stretch VIDEO
- 52) Humeral Head Depression Isometric From Low Level->Overhead VIDEO
- 52.1) Hammer Pronation/Supination VIDEO
- 52.11) Wrist Extension/Flexion Isometrics VIDEO
- Deep Neck Flexor Progression
- 52.2) Seated Deep Neck Flexor Activation Update VIDEO
- 52.3) Standing Band Tricep Extension Chin Tuck VIDEO
- 52.4) Standing Multiangle Tricep Extension Chin Tuck VIDEO
- 52.5) Standing Multi Angle Self Chin Tuck Isometric VIDEO
- 53) Deep Neck Flexor Activation Head Supported Chin Tuck VIDEO
- 53.1) Deep Neck Flexor Supine Head Lift Endurance VIDEO
- 54) Deep neck Flexor Activation with Rotation VIDEO
- 55) Deep Neck Flexor with Thoracic Extension Seated and Foam Roll VIDEO
- 55.1) Basics of Chin Tuck with Suprahyoid Isometric and Mandible Depression VIDEO
- 55.2) Band at Wall Chin Retraction Endurance, progression to Rotation VIDEO (Pete)
- 56) Deep Neck Flexor Activation With Thoracic Extension at Wall VIDEO (Pete)
- 57) Deep Neck Flexor Off the Bed Regression VIDEO
- 57.1) Side Lying Cervical Endurance with Side Bending Progression VIDEO
- 58) Deep Neck Flexor with Cervical Extension Off Bed VIDEO
- Plank Knee to Chest and Hip Extension Progression
- 63) Wall Bird Dog VIDEO
- Bear Variations
- 63.1) Bear Pelvic Control VIDEO
- 63.2) Quadruped Cat with Breathing and Thoracic Flexion VIDEO
- 64) Bear->Bear Crawl Scapula & Trunk Coordination VIDEO
- 65) Bear to Downward Dog Floor VIDEO
- 66) Down Dog to Up Dog Floor VIDEO
- 67) Bear Hip Extension->Mountain Climber VIDEO
- 67.1) Bear Hip Extension with Band VIDEO
- 68) Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- 69) Bear Up Wall to Hand Stand VIDEO
- 70) Lying Lower Trunk Rotation Legs Elevated VIDEO
- 71) Rolling with Side Lying Rotation VIDEO
- 71.1) Supine Modified V Up VIDEO
- Push
- Below Shoulder Height
- 71.2) Press FP Progression VIDEO
- 72) Wall Palm Raise Progression to the Floor VIDEO
- 73) Standing Tricep Extension Band VIDEO
- 73.1) Updated Band Tricep Extension VIDEO
- 73.2) Band Behind the Back Ext/IR Combo VIDEO
- 74) Table Top Progression VIDEO
- 74.1) Crab Walk Variations VIDEO
- 74.3) Pallof Press with single arm hold VIDEO
- 75) Press band in Lunge/half Kneel VIDEO
- 75.1) Press band with Step VIDEO
- 75.2) Press Band Single Leg Stance Progression VIDEO
- 75.3) Band press with Stepping forward VIDEO
- Plank Knee to Chest and Hip Extension Progression
- 79.2) Plank With Single Arm Holds High to Low VIDEO
- Bear Variations
- 83.1) Plank Row/Reverse Fly Dumbbell VIDEO
- 84) Arm Bar VIDEO
- 84.1) Arm Bar with Beau and horizontal abduction VIDEO
- Side Plank Progression
- 85) Scapular Control with Weight Shift Side Plank Progression VIDEO
- 86) Wall Bird Dog VIDEO
- 86.1) Side Plank Static Holds VIDEO
- 87) Side Plank with Lateral Shift Progression VIDEO
- 87.1) Side Plank Lateral Shift Floor VIDEO
- 88) Side Plank with Rotation Progression VIDEO
- 89) Side Sit to Side Plank VIDEO
- 90) Band Low Fly VIDEO
- 90.1) Band Bicep Loading into End Range Extension VIDEO
- 90.2) 1/2 kneel and lunge Horizontal Adduction UPdate VIDEO
- 91) Band Horizontal Adduction VIDEO
- 91.1) Supine DB Chest Fly VIDEO
- 91.2) Standing Band Chest Fly VIDEO
- Full Can Variations
- 92.3) Forward Reach with Medial and Lateral Band Resistance VIDEO
- 93) Shoulder Press/Pull Ups->Bench Press/Row VIDEO
- Push Up Variations
- Above Shoulder Height
- 94) Shoulder Wall Ball Multiple Positions VIDEO
- 94.1) Wall Ten to Two Clock Drill VIDEO
- 95) Shoulder Flexion & Forward Reach Towel Slide to Ball Roll Out VIDEO
- Pullover Variations
- 95.1) Band Dead Bug Variations VIDEO
- 95.2) Chest fly weighted pullover alternate VIDEO
- 96) Laying on Back Weighted Pull Over VIDEO
- 96.1) Laying on Back Weight Pull Over and Band Pull Over VIDEO
- 96.2) Weighted Pullover Feet Elevated VIDEO
- 96.3) Lying on Weight Bench Pullover VIDEO
- 96.4) Pullover Edge of Bed Back Bend Progression VIDEO
- 96.5) Pullover Legs Elevated to Hip Ext progression VIDEO
- 97) Band Pull Down 3 Planes VIDEO
- 97.1) 1/2 Kneel Band Pull Down Thoracic Ext Prog VIDEO
- 97.2) Standing Lat Pull Front Straight Arm VIDEO
- 98) Side Lying Shoulder Abduction Stabilization VIDEO
- 99) Bear to Downward Dog Floor VIDEO
- 100) Down Dog to Up Dog Floor VIDEO
- 100.1) Ball Rollout Wall Block VIDEO
- 101) Wall Plank Walkout Overhead Progression VIDEO
- 101.1)Physio Ball Serratus Up Wall VIDEO
- 101.2) Pillow case Serratus Up Wall VIDEO
- 102) Triceps Press Overhead Band VIDEO
- 103) Bear Up Wall to Hand Stand VIDEO
- 103.1) PNF D2 Band Down and Across VIDEO
- 103.2) PNF Diagonal D1 Up and Across VIDEO
- 103.3) Band Chop to Baseball Swing VIDEO
- 104) Band Chops Down and Across VIDEO
- 104.1) Over Head Press Pull Apart Iso Regression VIDEO
- 104.2) Over Head Holds Kettlebell/ Dumbbell VIDEO
- 105) Shoulder Press/Pull Ups->Bench Press/Row VIDEO
- 105.1) Machine Shoulder Press VIDEO
- 105.2) 1/2 Kneel Overhead Kettlebell Press VIDEO
- 105.3) Kneeling Band Press Forward Lean VIDEO
- Turkish Get Up Progression
- 108.1) Back Bridge Push Up VIDEO
- Below Shoulder Height
- Pull
- Below Shoulder height
- Bicep Loading Options
- 109.3) Bicep Loading Progression VIDEO
- 109.4) Incline Bench and Standing Cable Curl VIDEO
- Prone I Variations
- 109.5) Basic Band Short Range Extension Pulses VIDEO
- 110) Prone “I” Latissimus Over Ball VIDEO
- 111) Off Edge of Bed VIDEO
- 111.1) Band Extension VIDEO
- 111.2) Band Extension One ARM Progress to Step VIDEO
- 112) Band Extension Deadlift VIDEO
- 112.1) Single Leg Deadlift Band Extension VIDEO
- 112.2) Prone I/T on Floor Drill VIDEO
- 113) Prone I to T Progression VIDEO
- Row Variations
- 113.1) Sink Squat Update/Row Squat Combo VIDEO
- 114) Row Band in Lunge/Half Kneel VIDEO
- 114.1) Row with Forward Step VIDEO
- 115) Bent Over Box Row VIDEO
- 115.1) Squat With Single Arm Support Progression VIDEO
- 115.2 Low Row Cable Machine VIDEO
- 115.3) Row FP Progression VIDEO
- 115.4) Seated 50 Per Pull Wide Row VIDEO
- Band External/Internal Rotation Progression
- 115.5) Updated External Rotation Progression VIDEO
- 115.6) Sidelying weight ER VIDEO
- 116) Laying on Back External Rotation Phase 1 VIDEO
- 116.1) Band ER/IR Walkout VIDEO
- 116.2) Band ER/IR Walkout with Single Leg Pauses VIDEO
- 116.3) Band IR Wave VIDEO
- 116.4) Band ER Wave VIDEO
- 116.5) Band IR Supine/Seated VIDEO
- 117) Standing Band External Rotation VIDEO
- 118) Shoulder Band ER/IR 2 Positions THIS PHASE->Band Pull Press VIDEO
- 118.1) Low ER to High ER with Band High VIDEO
- 119) Bilateral “W” External Rotation VIDEO
- 119.1) External Rotation 90 Deg Abduction VIDEO
- Horizontal Abduction Options
- 120) Prone “T” Middle Trap VIDEO
- 121) Band Horizontal Abduction Lunge VIDEO
- 121.1) 1/2 Kneel Band horizontal Abduction with Progression to Rotation VIDEO
- 121.2) Band 3 Positions PNF D1 Variations VIDEO
- 121.3) Band PNF Down and Out VIDEO
- 121.4) Band PNF Up and Out Lawnmower VIDEO
- 121.5) Supine Band Pull Apart VIDEO
- 121.6) Sidelying 3 way Shoulder Stability VIDEO
- 121.7) Sidelying 3 way ABduction VIDEO
- 121.8) Sidelying hip to ear, front/back stroke VIDEO
- 122) Wall Sit Active/Band Abduction VIDEO
- 122.1) Seated Physio Ball I, T Combo VIDEO
- 122.2) Band Pull Apart Overhead Press Endurance VIDEO
- 123) Prone “W” Infraspinatus/Teres Minor VIDEO
- 123.1) TRX Reverse SidePlank VIDEO
- 124) Shoulder Press/Pull Ups->Bench Press/Row VIDEO
- Above Shoulder Height
- 125) Shoulder Flexion Laying->Wall Sit->Seated Against Wall VIDEO
- 126) Supine to Wall Sit Wide Pull Down VIDEO
- 127) Shoulder Flexion & Forward Reach Towel Slide to Ball Roll Out VIDEO
- 127.1) Ball Rollout Wall Block VIDEO
- 128) Laying on Back Weighted Pull Over VIDEO OR 128.1) Laying on Back Weight Pull Over and Band Pull Over VIDEO
- 129) Band Pull Down 3 Planes VIDEO
- 130) Side Lying Shoulder Abduction Stabilization VIDEO
- 131) D2 Flexion Band 3 Positions VIDEO
- 131.1) Supine and Wall “Y” Lower Trap VIDEO
- 132) Prone “Y” Lower Trap VIDEO
- 133) BlackBurns VIDEO
- 134) Pull Up Regression/Progression VIDEO
- 134.1) Bar Hang Knees to Chest VIDEO
- 134.2) Bar Hang March VIDEO
- 135) Shoulder Press/Pull Ups->Bench Press/Row VIDEO
- 136) Lat Pull Machine VIDEO
- 136.1) FP Lateral Swing Progression VIDEO
- 136.2) Double Arm Swing FP VIDEO
- 136.3) 3 Part Band RTC Sequence VIDEO