- Low Back Pain Exercise Library
- Rocktape Application for Low Back Pain VIDEO
- Low Back Pain Individual Rehabilitation Programs LINK
- Dr. Bradley Cipriani, DPT, OCS, Cert TMM, HKC
- 3 Movements for Back Arthritis/Stenosis VIDEO
- Low Back Pain Self Treatment
- Initial Program: Can be done every day as much as possible (5-10x/day)
- Step 1: Find the Movement Preference VIDEO
- Find the Movement Preference in Standing VIDEO
- Pick the movement that feels the best and does not increase any pain
- Work on this for 1-2 weeks
- Goal: establish movement preference that decreases pain and do it frequently, avoiding painful motions
- Step 2: Activate the Core Without Pain VIDEO
- Get this right and apply it to more challenging future movements
- Begin this first 1-2 weeks
- Step 1: Find the Movement Preference VIDEO
- Phase 2: Activate Trunk While Mobilizing Above and Below: Strength
- Should be done 1x/day and should take 5-7 minutes
- Step 3: Apply Trunk Control While Progressing Hip and Mid Back Movement VIDEO
- Begin on week 2-3
- Work on for 1 week
- Do not progress to next phase until you can do at least 10 reps of each with no increase in pain
- Goal: progress to 20 reps of each movement
- Step 4: Progression to Transitional Movement and Functional Positions VIDEO
- Begin week 3-4
- Can be alternated with step 3 doing step 3 one day and step 4 the following day
- Goal: progress to 20 reps each movement
- Step 5: Full Motion All Planes Progressing Gradually Into Previously Painful Directions VIDEO
- Begin in week 3-4
- Can be done daily and will replace previous mobility movements
- Only progress following the above video instructions
- Stay short of increase in pain and if making you worse continue revert back to movement preference only and retry each week to see if you are able to progress into previously painful directions
- Step 6: Progression of Glute activation and Standing Balance
- Follow this sequence while maintaining neutral low back posture
- Initial Program: Can be done every day as much as possible (5-10x/day)
- Functional Activity Progressions
- Dr. Pete Thomas, DC, ATC