- Phase 1 Stabilization Sequence
- Emphasis on remaining in a controlled range staying well short of reproducing pain
- Goal: 8-30 reps or 30sec-2minutes
- Once 30 reps or 2 minutes is achieved, you are ready to increase the challenge or resistance
- Tests prior to return to volleyball
- Symmetrical overhead hold endurance OR TGU Phase 2 Top VIDEO
- Symmetrical Arm Bar VIDEO OR Side Plank with Rotation Progression VIDEO
- Symmetrical Band Horizontal Abduction VIDEO
- Symmetrical Band Horizontal Adduction VIDEO
- Symmetrical Band Pull Down 3 Planes VIDEO
- Circuit #1: 1-2x/day
- Humeral Head Depression Isometric From Low Level->Overhead VIDEO
- 10x5sec Low
- 10x5sec higher surface short of shoulder pain
- Downward Dog Progression From Higher Level to Floor VIDEO
- Feet can be side by side or staggered
- 8-30reps, don’t rush too quickly into high reps, start with 10-15 and progress gradually
- Humeral Head Depression Isometric From Low Level->Overhead VIDEO
- Circuit #2: Every other day
- Laying on Back External Rotation Phase 1 VIDEO
- 30sec-2 minutes in short range
- Start with red and progress to green
- Basics of Bear with Leg Lift VIDEO
- Start with 5 sec holds and progress to small leg lifts
- 5-20 reps
- Laying on Back External Rotation Phase 1 VIDEO
- Circuit #3: Everyday
- Puppy Pose Progression VIDEO
- Stay short of pain
- 10-20rep
- Tall Kneel with Scapular Depression/Retraction VIDEO
- 10-20reps
- Puppy Pose Progression VIDEO