- 2-20-23
- 1-26-23 Update
- We discussed the progression of some quicker muscle recruitment prior to running along wiht some updates to your daily sequence. Update listed below
- Daily: 10 reps for each
- 105.1) Pelvic Clock Progression into Bridge VIDEO
- 63.4) Quadruped to Tall kneel Reach Back VIDEO
- 77) Bear to Downward Dog Floor VIDEO
- 51.2) Floor 3 Part Warm Up Sidelying, side sit, 1/2 kneel VIDEO
- We did just the middle movement in the video but all are good if you like them
- 178.1) Adductor Isometric into Lateral Lunge Stretch VIDEO
- Strength Circuits
- We talked about just combining some strength in with some speed
- Circuit #1: 10-20 reps for each
- 200) Step Up Progression with Increase In Speed VIDEO
- 142.2) Band PNF Up and Out Lawnmower VIDEO
- 185.2) Pre Run/Walk Band Resisted Stride Drill VIDEO
- Do this with straight knee in the band
- Circuit #2
- Jumps 2 feet land on the ground and one foot lands on the step, alternate which foot lands on the step and hold the single leg land for 3-5sec, get off floor fast
- 10 -15 single leg lands each foot
- Progress to the same as above but instead of jumping down onto 2 feet behind the step, once you land on one foot, jump down forward and land on that same foot. Then turn around and land on top other foot and then jump down and land on the foot. See Video below just made it
- 63) Kneeling Quadricep Activation Butt to Heels VIDEO
- 8-20 reps
- Hamstring Bridge Progression
- Jumps 2 feet land on the ground and one foot lands on the step, alternate which foot lands on the step and hold the single leg land for 3-5sec, get off floor fast
- Circuit #3
- 206) Frontal Plane Lateral Skater Jumps VIDEO
- 30-60sec
- 126.3) Single Leg Eccentric Load to Full Single Leg VIDEO
- 181) Standing Single Leg Adductor Band VIDEO
- 5-20 reps, alternate with movement below, 2-3 x
- easier 3×20
- 206) Frontal Plane Lateral Skater Jumps VIDEO
- Circuit #4
- Circuit #5
- 70) Chair/Step Height Phase 3 VIDEO
- 10-15 each leg
- 94) Band Chops Down and Across VIDEO
- 10-20 each side
- 160) Reverse Lunge VIDEO
- reverse sink lunge
- slower or more shallow to reduce pain
- 70) Chair/Step Height Phase 3 VIDEO
- 10-28
- tightness behind the knee
- Sitting feels tightness with being in that position
- 9-21-22
- Update strength sequence
- NEW:
- NEW:
- 142.2) Band PNF Up and Out Lawnmower VIDEO
- 142.2) Band PNF Up and Out Lawnmower VIDEO
- NEW:
- 185.2) Pre Run/Walk Band Resisted Stride Drill VIDEO
- This is to improve that lateral stability and stride position we saw in the doorway
- 185.2) Pre Run/Walk Band Resisted Stride Drill VIDEO
- Quad:
- 60.1) Band LAQ Followed By Isometric Holds VIDEO
- I like 3 sets. Do the first set pulses for 30sec to 2 min, take a 30sec break and then repeat. Do that 3x
- 60.1) Band LAQ Followed By Isometric Holds VIDEO
- Hamstring
- 114.1) Straight Leg Bridge Gradual Integration of Bent Knee VIDEO
- progress to single leg as able but not until you can do 20 reps double leg
- 2-3 sets with 30sec breaks
- single straight leg 20x 3sets
- feels more even between and ready to progress to bent leg
- progress to single leg as able but not until you can do 20 reps double leg
- 114.1) Straight Leg Bridge Gradual Integration of Bent Knee VIDEO
- Calf
- 126.6) Step Back Leg Heelraise VIDEO
- 10-20 reps
- 2-3 sets 30sec breaks
- 3×20
- 10-20 reps
- 126.6) Step Back Leg Heelraise VIDEO
- Adductor
- 181) Standing Single Leg Adductor Band VIDEO
- 5-20 reps, alternate with movement below, 2-3 x
- easier 3×20
- 181) Standing Single Leg Adductor Band VIDEO
- Abductor
- 9-1-22
- Following report of increased knee pain
- Likely factors would be that we did alot of testing last session of your quad and your difficuty feeling the quad in a squat position
- I recommend ice and just doing some of the lighter movements that we did initially until it calms down
- The next goal is trying to wake up your quad without causing increased knee pain
- #31 below and #101.3 are both geared towards quad activation. Sometimes the lunge or the squat will not go well if you do not have enough quad strength/activity first. I am going to list a strength movement with a band here or a movement wiht a yoga strap. Try it for me and let me know if either one is effective at improving quad activation without increase in knee pain and hold off on the squat and lunge for now. Do the movements below and let me know how they feel. The strap movement is an alternative for the seated quad stretch foot under chair and then band around the foot is an alternative for the lunge/squat
- 8-23-22
- Reports she did well with hiking
- Still having issue with squat at sink limited by pain, we are going to use this as a retest position
- Updates to the program are in bold below with todays date
- Daily Movements
- Complete these a couple times per day and possibly before/after anything strenuous
- 8-15 reps of each
- Previous movements
- New daily movement options
- 31) Seated Quad Stretch Foot Under Chair VIDEO (8-23-22)
- Rock in and out if slight knee pain, if just a quad stretch you can hold 5 sec each
- Hold each 5 seconds and do 5 on each side
- Self Myofascial release options
- You do not need to do all of these but they are good options if you find that something is getting sore or painful
- They are good for pre post activity to reduce tightness that can come with doing more then usual
- Try to compare right and left and maybe focus on anything that feels different side to side
- 27) Side Lying IT Band VIDEO
- On the hike as you quad and glute fatigue you will likely overuse IT band and it will get tight. This may be a good idea to keep that in check
- 26.1) Self MFR Calf VIDEO
- This is an option if ankle/calf tightens up
- 26) Self MFR Quad/Hip Flexor VIDEO
- Option for the quad
- 24.3) Supine Hip ER/IR Glute MFR Update VIDEO
- 41.3) Cross Leg AROM with Over Pressure/Isometrics VIDEO
- Hip mobility and glute activation
- 22.1) STEP: Hip Flexor to Hamstring Stretch VIDEO
- Easy on the go hamstring stretch and hip flexor stretch to keep things moving
- 31) Seated Quad Stretch Foot Under Chair VIDEO (8-23-22)
- Strength List to complete every other day: Try 2x through it
- If you are still sore from doing this previously, do not do it again until soreness has gone away
- Goal is to feel muscle get tired without pain in knee
- Circuit #1
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- 30-90sec
- Replace with the lunge slide (8-23-22)
- 114.1) Straight Leg Bridge Gradual Integration of Bent Knee VIDEO
- start of more straight leg and progress into one set in the straight and one set in the bend
- Start with double leg lifts and do 10-20 reps
- If double leg is not bad try the single leg holds we did
- 149.1) Squat Pulses In Short Range VIDEO
- Circuit #2
- 173) Side Lying Straight Leg Raise with Wall VIDEO
- Leg raise slide at wall
- 10-20 reps
- Can progress to band below
- 99.1) Double Leg Updated Bench VIDEO
- 173) Side Lying Straight Leg Raise with Wall VIDEO
- Circuit #3(8-23-22)
- 181) Standing Single Leg Adductor Band VIDEO
- 10 -20 reps
- 10-20 reps
- 181) Standing Single Leg Adductor Band VIDEO
- Circuit #4
- 185.2) Pre Run/Walk Band Resisted Stride Drill VIDEO
- 10-20 rep
- 136.2) Press 3 Phase into Stepping VIDEO
- 10-20 reps
- Start off with static press and progress into a step with the press
- 185.2) Pre Run/Walk Band Resisted Stride Drill VIDEO
- Return to Running Progression LINK
- This same progression can be used on the elliptical before you progress to running
- Start with elliptical at 5-10 minutes and progress by 5 minutes until you reach desired time
- Example Level 1: 10 min, Level2 15min, Level 3 20min……
- Once you reach desire time with very little resistance you can then add some resistance intervals
- Example: you get to 20 minutes without issue, if your resting easy resistance is level 5 for example: start with 1 minute bump to level 7 then back down to baseline level 5 for 4 minutes alternate the 1 minute at level7 and the 4 minutes at baseline level for 4 minute for the total of 20 minutes. progress from there to 2 minutes at the higher resistance and 3 minutes at the easier level. Key is gradual progression and follow soreness rules that we will use for elliptical and when we transition back to return to running
- This same progression can be used on the elliptical before you progress to running